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The Kingdom of Atlantia has a wealth of traditions that can sometimes be difficult to keep track of or even to KNOW of. Below are some pages that provide insight into these traditions and how they are honored. Please keep in mind that many things that we think of as "traditions" will vary based on where you are, and between households and almost all will change over time.
Kingdom Traditions
- Peerage Ceremonies
- Companion Ceremonies
- In Case of Peerage (ICOP) letter info with example
- AdE Recognitions
- Feast Toasts
- List Field Salutes
- Sumptuary Laws
Quick takes, FAQs, and Random Trivia
- Why do we say 'vivat' 3 times?
- This tradition is a holdover from when Atlantia was part of the East. Vivat, Latin for "long life", or Vivant, the plural of vivat, are cheers of celebration. We use vivat thrice in the same sense that one would say "hip, hip, hooray!" or "Three cheers for [x]!". For more information, you can read this excellent article (page 12)
- What is the history behind the kid's toy chest in court? When did that start? Why?
- Explanation: The children's toy chest being presented to the children of Atlantia is a long-standing tradition of Royal, and many Baronial, courts. At some point, usually, early in the court, the children will be called forward along with a member of the populace bringing a big toy box. When given the signal, the person with the toy chest will run out of court with all of the children in pursuit. Each child is allowed to select a toy from the chest.
- History: At some point in the past there was a playful exchange of pranks between Duke Logan and Duke Anton. In response to some long-forgotten jab, Logan and Arielle acquired 100 stuffed toy chickens and had children draw on them with the chequey pattern (as seen on Anton's arms). They then charged him with the task of giving them out to children which inspired him at every event. The practice of honoring our Kingdom's youth took hold in the form described above and has persisted for decades now.
- Why does your partner come up with you when you are called into court?
- This is a tradition that is as old as the SCA itself. The general idea is that it is a show of support, usually a Lord showing support for their Lady. This practice has evolved over time and now it is not uncommon to enter court alone, nor is it uncommon for friends to escort friends, etc. The most important thing to remember is to not assume that someone 'needs' an escort and take that duty upon yourself. Give the person being called into court the respect of presenting themselves. Friends, relatives, and loved ones will know when offering this honor is appropriate.
- What do you do if you can’t kneel (mobility, religious, etc)?
- Simply make as much of a bow as you are comfortable with and quietly 'request' leave to stand. Although the request is something of a formality, nobody is going to ask you to kneel when you have a reason not to, it is just a nice courtesy.
- When do you stand/bow with regard to royalty approaching or entering a room?
- The simple answer here is "as soon as you notice". Sometimes royals will sneak up on you or you'll be engrossed in a project/conversation. That's OK. When you notice that you are in the presence you should stand (if you're able) and make a polite bow/curtsy before returning to your activities. If they want your specific attention then you'll know.
Baronial or Regional Traditions
- The "little box of dirt"
- When a new Crown is invested the Baronage will often pay homage (sometimes playfully referred to as 'taxes') with gifts from the Barony. One tradition, which comes and goes, is to include a small amount of dirt taken from their Baronial lands. Just some small token amount of earth. Together, these offerings physically represent the lands of Atlantia to Their Majesties.