AdE Recognitions

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The traditions around recognizing the advancement of members of the Academie d'Espee of Atlantia (AdE) have evolved over time. The notes below reflect a general (as of the time of this writing) collection of the process for formal recognition of progression through the AdE, 'in general', within Atlantia. For information on other Atlantian traditions, see the Traditions page.

The AdE is a recognized guild with its own bylaws

The AdE is now an officially sanctioned guild within the Kingdom of Atlantia and as such they have a process and procedure for governance and bylaws. For the most current information, you can visit their site here. The notes below are provided for general information purposes only and you should always defer to the authoritative source for the most current oaths and ceremonies. What follows is intended only to give you a general idea of what to expect for recognition at a given rank.


Any authorized rapier fighter, who is willing to adhere to the laws and bylaws of the AdE, is welcome to join. This usually takes place on the field, after authorizations, but before the tournament. Those wishing to do so may inform a member of the AdE and take the Scholar's Oath (see the note below about oaths).

Free Scholar

Free Scholars are selected by three members of the AdE at the level of Provost or Distinguished Provost. Once identified they will be spoken with, in confidence, to contemplate taking on this role. If they agree then a public announcement will be made and a date will be set for the 'playing of the prize' (see the note below about prizes). Once completed the candidate will be asked to take the Free Scholar's oath (see the note below about oaths).


Provosts are members of the AdE that are also members of a GoA fencing Order, such as the White Scarf. Once recognized as a member of this order they will be spoken with, in confidence, to contemplate taking on this role. If they agree then a public announcement will be made and a date may be set for the 'playing of the prize' (see the note below about prizes). Once completed the candidate will be asked to take the Provost's oath (see the note below about oaths).

Distinguished Provost

Distinguished Provosts are members of the AdE that are also members of the Order of Defense. Once recognized as a member of this order they will be spoken with, in confidence, to contemplate taking on this role. If they agree then a public announcement will be made and a date may be set for the 'playing of the prize' (see the note below about prizes). Once completed the candidate will be asked to take the Distinguished Provost's oath (see the note below about oaths).

On the matter of oaths

There are many people who, for personal, religious, or other reasons, are not comfortable with the act of "swearing an oath". This is understood. Please speak with a member of the AdE for more information. They are a welcoming and inclusive Guild and will be happy to address your concerns through the proper channels.

On the matter of prizes

A 'prize fight' can take many forms. Generally speaking, the inductee will be given the opportunity to face off with a representative of each other tier of the AdE. Then they will face all challengers. Beyond that, prize fights differ from person to person based on time, situation, and need.