Companion Ceremonies
The traditions around the taking of a companion differ from area to area, between households, and have evolved over time. This is a very personal moment for both the Peer and the companion. The notes below reflect a general (as of the time of this writing) collection of the process for taking a companion, 'in general', within Atlantia. For information on other Atlantian traditions, see the Traditions page.
Becoming a companion
Below are five examples of "ceremonies" for taking a companion. These are just examples and this is not a definitive list. The examples presented progress from more to less formal but are not, in any way, particular to that type of companion relationship. Every situation will have different needs and each incident of taking a companion is unique. These are just provided to give an idea of what may occur.
Example: Squire
After reaching a mutual agreement, in private, the member of the Chiv may beg a boon to conduct business in court where they will call forth the new Squire and read out loud a personal oath of fealty. The traditional gift/token for a Squire is a red belt with an indicator of their Peer (usually with that Peer's personal or household arms at the belt end).
Example: Protégé
After reaching a mutual agreement, in private, the member of the Pelican may make a public announcement that they intend to accept the new companion at a stated time and place. The Peer may host a social at the given time and then publically read the terms of the agreed-upon companion's contract. The contracts would then be signed and witnessed. The traditional gift/token for a Protégé is a yellow belt with an indicator of their Peer (sometimes that Peer's personal or household arms at the belt end - if the contract includes a bond of fealty).
Example: Apprentice
After reaching a mutual agreement, in private, the member of the Laurel may make a public announcement at an event that they intend to accept the new companion (in X minutes, "over there"). The Peer may announce the terms of the agreed-upon companion's contract and both publically agree. The traditional gift/token for an Apprentice is a green belt.
Example: Student
After reaching a mutual agreement, in private, the member of the Masters of Defense may call for attention before starting a tournament. They then call up the new companion, make a formal announcement that this person is now their student, and present them with a token. The traditional gift/token for a Student to a Master of Defense is a red collar.
Example: Royal Companion
A mutual formal agreement is made between both parties in private and the new companion simply assumes their role. A personal token or favor may be given.