Dreux d'Anjou

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Dreux, Yule Toy Tourney 2021
Resides: Shire of Border Vale Keep
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Azure, on an ermine spot argent two annulets interlaced in fess azure.


Maître Dreux d'Anjou, OL, currently resides in the Shire of Border Vale Keep in the city of Augusta, GA mundanely. He participates with the Barony of Nottinghill Coill. Dreux began playing in the SCA in November 2010 in The Barony of the Sacred Stone.

Dreux is a former guild leader for the Company of the Clewe, the Atlantian knitting guild.
You can view the guild's website here.
You can join the guild's Facebook page here.
Dreux is the current Principal for the Order of the Laurel. To get in contact with Dreux about official Order business, please email him at laurel@atlantia.sca.org.


Maître Dreux is somewhere between late 13th and early 14th Century French.

Arts and Sciences

Atlantian Reliquaries

Dreux has had a long-term goal of recreating all of the Sion reliquary purses to scale and gauge, as accurately as possible. He currently has two of the five purses complete, with a third in the works. Once complete, these will become the Atlantian Reliquaries. A project and display used to honor and remember those who have made a lasting impact on the Kingdom of Atlantia.

Process of knitting Sion Purse 3 can be found here.
Process of knitting Sion Purse 5 can be found here.

Rose Purses

This is an ongoing project for the Company of the Clewe. The guild wishes to honor and thank our Queens or Consorts for Their love and service to the Kingdom of Atlantia, as well as other Kingdoms/Principalities as requested. Each Queen/Consort will receive a purse knit by a member of the guild upon the successful completion of their first reign and having been inducted into the Order of the Rose.


Below is a sample of some of Dreux's favorite knit projects.

Other Arts and Sciences Endeavors

A few of Dreux's other Arts and Sciences projects that aren't knitting


Offices and Positions

Officer Positions

Other Positions


Staff Positions

Misc. Service

Awards and Orders

Dreux's awards can be found on his Order of Precedence entry.

Award/Order Date Event Bestowed by
Court Baron (Atlantia) 12/10/2022 Jul Toy Tourney 2022 (Nottinghill Coill) Abran I and Anya I
Companion of the Gordian Knot (Nottinghill Coill) 2/15/2020 Nottinghill Coill's XL-ent 40th Birthday (Nottinghill Coill) Elphin and Delia
Award of the Undine (Atlantia) 4/6/2019 Coronation of Christoph II and Adelhait II (Atlantia) Ragnarr V and Lynette II
Master of the Laurel (Atlantia) 12/8/2018 Yule Toy Tourney XIII (Nottinghill Coill) Ragnarr V and Lynette II
Award of the Golden Cord (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) 1/27/2018 Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday (Nottinghill Coill) Lucien and Brig
Courtesy of Nottinghill Coill (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) 1/27/2018 Tourney of the Dragon (Saint Georges) Lucien and Brig
Award of the Silver Nautilus (Atlantia) 4/23/2016 Tourney of the Dragon (Saint Georges) Dietrich I and Thora I
Companion of the Coill's Muse (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) 12/12/2015 Yule Toy Tourney 2015 (Nottinghill Coill) Takeda and Ariel
Award of the Undine (Atlantia) 4/11/2015 Coronation of King Logan and Queen Esa (Windmasters' Hill) Michael X and Seonaid VIII
Companion of the Queen's Order of Courtesy (Atlantia) 4/11/2015 Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday XXXIV (Ritterwald) Michael X and Seonaid VIII
Companion of the Sacred Stone (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone) 6/21/2014 A Day in the Park (Charlesbury Crossing) Oshi and Sine
Companion of the Pearl (Atlantia) 2/22/2014 Tournament of Ymir (Windmasters' Hill) Ragnarr IV and Lynette I
Companion of the Opal (Atlantia) 8/31/2013 Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday 31 (Sacred Stone) Amos I and Ysabella I
Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia) 4/6/2013 Atlantian Spring Coronation (Marinus) Amos I and Ysabella I
Companion of the Phoenix Eye (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone) 9/1/2012 Sacred Stone 30th Birthday (Sacred Stone) Oshi and Sine
Award of the Silver Nautilus (Atlantia) 10/8/2011 War of the Wings VI (Sacred Stone) Cuán VI and Pádraigín III
Award of Arms (Atlantia) 8/20/2011 Flight of the Falcon (Aire Faucon) Michael IX and Seonaid VII
Award of the Silver Nautilus (Atlantia) 8/20/2011 Flight of the Falcon (Aire Faucon) Michael IX and Seonaid VII


Device: Azure, on an ermine spot argent two annulets interlaced in fess azure.
Device registered with the College of Arms in August 2011.

Badge: (Fieldless) In pale an ermine statant contourny argent atop a bag of madder gules.


Students and Apprentices

Dreux currently has no Apprentices, but he does have a student.

His Students Include:


Dreux is involved in three households:

Dreux a former member of House Corvus, but left in 2017


Dreux is a member of a few guilds located in the Kingdom of Atlantia


  • If you wish to pre-arrange Dreux's presence at Court, please contact Mécène Etienne Le Mons d'Anjou
  • Aside from knitting, Dreux loves to weave narrow bands (both inkle and tablet), make cords (Fingerloop braiding, lucet, and kumihimo), and natural dye.
  • Dreux is looking to learn either leatherwork or casting in the future to expand his skills and knowledge.