Barony of Hawkwood

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Barony of Hawkwood
Counter-ermine, a vol Or within a laurel wreath vert.
Asheville, NC
Date founded
June 19, 2004 (AS 39)
Founding Baron/Baroness
Baron Duncan Gregor MacGregor and Baroness Eyrick MacGregor
Current Baron/Baroness
Baron Edward Godale and Baroness Lucrezia Sarta di Napoli
Barony of Hawkwood

The Barony of Hawkwood is a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) in the Western-most portion of North Carolina.

Hawkwood holds their yearly baronial event Hawkwood Baronial Birthday in May.


A Brief and Personal History of the Beginnings of Hawkwood & Some of What Came After by Don Duncan Gregor MacGregor, founding member


Canton of Stormwall Website
Canton of Haukesgate Website


Event Name Host Information link
Hawkwood Baronial Birthday Barony of Hawkwood Yearly event


Investiture Divestiture Their Excellency 1 Their Excellency 2
June 19, 2004 (AS 39) May 19, 2007 (AS 42) Duncan Gregor MacGregor Eyrick MacGregor
May 19, 2007 (AS 42) May 8, 2010 (AS 45) Thorgrimr inn kyrri Adeliza of Bristol
May 8, 2010 (AS 45) April 26, 2014 (AS 48) Deirdre Fletcher
April 26, 2014 (AS 48) May 20, 2017 (AS 52) Rónán mac an Stalcair Muriel of Aberdeen
May 20, 2017 (AS 52) September 19, 2020 (AS 55) Edward Godale Gracia Slay
September 19, 2020 (AS 55) May 21, 2023 (AS 58) Tiberius Aufidius Crispus Rhiannon of Raven’s Cove
May 21, 2023 (AS 58) Unknown Edward Godale Lucrezia Sarta di Napoli

Baronial Awards & Orders

The Awards and Order of the Barony of Hawkwood can be found on the Kingdom of Atlantia's Order of Precedence: here

