Scrivener Royal

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Scrivener Royal
No blazon as the above is not an official badge. Image courtesy of Mécène Eʃtienne Le Mons d'Anjou.
Calligraphy & Illumination
Appointed by
Royal Whim
Appointed at

The Scrivener Royal is chosen for excellence in calligraphy and illumination and acts as the personal scribe of the Crown. The Scrivener Royal shall serve a term of six months and the competition to choose a new Scrivener Royal shall be held at Coronation. The Scrivener Royal must work in close cooperation with the Clerk of the Signetensuring the Clerk Signet is aware of all scribal tasks that have been assigned by the Crown.

Suggested goals are: providing scrolls for the Crown, working with branch officers to encourage growth of scribal work, sponsoring scribal competitions, and teaching in such venues as are available and reasonable.

Selection and Tenure

The Scrivener Royal is appointed by royal whim at Coronation for a term of six months to one year.

Additional Notes

The Scrivener Royal is overseen by the Triton Herald. The Scrivener Royal is an honorary position and not a part of the official structure of the Clerk Signet’s office. This position is not intended to dispossess or supersede the official structure but to work in conjunction with the Clerk Signet to fulfill the wishes and commands of Their Royal Majesties concerning scribal arts.

History of Atlantian Scriveners Royal