Philomene de Lys

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Resides: Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry


Baroness Philomene de Lys hails from the town of Wericq-Sud in France on the banks of the Lys River. Her family were landed baronage and merchants, which enabled her to have an expansive education for her time period (late 16th century). Philomene is a scribe by occupation and finds her delight in calligraphy and illumination. She is apprenticed to Mistress Michel Almond de Champagne and is a member of the Atelier du Champagne.


Title Jurisdiction Date Held
Chancery Leader Barony of Windmasters' Hill January 2019 - January 2020
Baronial Camp Steward of War of the Wings Barony of Windmaster's Hill October 2017 - Current


Award Notes Date
Companion of the Kittyhawk Awarded for Service to the Barony [Buckston Birthday 2017]
Baronial Award of Excellence Award of Merit at the Baron/Baroness' Discretion [Buckston Birthday 2017]
Companion of the Opal Description [Ymir 2018]
Award of the Undine Those Who Distinguish Themselves with Exceptional Service to the Queen [Battle of the Bay 2018 / Fall Coronation 2019]
Order of the Pearl Subject has Distinguished Themselves in the arts and sciences [Pensic 2019]
Court Baronage Royal Decree [War of the Wings 2019]
Award of the Notus Creating a Single Wonder of Arts and Sciences within the Barony [Ymir 2019]
Award of Arms Granted title [War of the Wings XII 2017]
Order of the Boreas Granted for Excellence in Arts & Sciences [Buckston Birthday 2018]
Order of the Coral Branch Recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves in their effort in arts and sciences [KASF 2019]


Group Notes
The Order of the Peel: The Bakers of Windmasters' Hill [Guild Member]
The Chancery of Windmasters' Hill [Guild Member]
House of the Wounded Mushroom [Member]
Atelier du Champagne [Member]

Classes Taught at Canton Level

Class Title Canton Date

Classes Taught at Baronial Events

Class Title Event Date

Classes Taught at Kingdom Events

Class Title Event Date


