Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes

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Lady Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes
Resides: Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Or, a domestic cat passant to sinister and on a chief sable, three bezants


Lady Cynthia resides in the Barony of Stierbach, and has also been an active resident of the Kingdoms of the West (Shire of Montagne du Roi/Barony of Darkwood, and Principality of the Mists) and of Artemisia (Barony of Arn Hold). She is a musician who plays lute and all voices of recorder, as well as guitar, percussion, and also sings. She also loves calligraphy and illumination, costuming, and book-making.

Although children and other life-happenings have interfered with her full participation for various stretches of time, she loves being in community with like-minded lovers of history, music, art, and fellowship in the SCA.


Cynthia is an English lady of the early sixteenth century, but when weather demands it, she can also be seen in Roman clothing, or even 14th-Century garb.

Offices & Positions


  • MOAS, Barony of Stierbach


  • Co-Director, Pennsic 50 Known World Choir - A.S. LVIII
  • Director, Pennsic 50 Youth Choir - A.S. LVIII
  • Director, Pennsic 49 Youth Instrumental Consort - A.S. LVII
  • Bard of the Barony of Stierbach (shared with her lord, Dunstan Stonehill)
  • Director, Music Group Rosa y Blanco, Stierbach, Atlantia
  • Director, Pennsic 48 Youth Choir - A.S. LIV
  • Bard of the Barony of Arn Hold - c. A.S. XXXIII
  • Director, Music Group Tempus Perfectum - A.S. XXXII - XXXIV
  • Co-Chronicler, Shire of Montagne du Roi (now Canton) - c. A.S. XXII

Projects & Publications



Coat of Arms

  • Or, a domestic cat passant to sinister and on a chief sable, three bezants

Awards and Achievements


Atlantia Order of Precedence

Classes Taught:

  • Pennsic Youth Choir (Pennsic 48, Pennsic 50)
  • Pennsic Youth Consort (Pennsic 49)
  • How to Transform Your Guitar Into A Lute (Bardic War, 5/2021)
  • What *is* that Angel Playing? Gaudenzio Ferarri's Concert of Angels (Salon of the Italies, 3/2021)
  • Merriment and Melancholy: Dowland, Campion and the Humors (UA, 2/2021)
  • Who Told You That You Can't Sing? (They Were Wrong) (Pennsic University, 8/2019)