Barony of Stierbach

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Barony of Stierbach
Per fess embattled argent and gules, three bulls courant counterchanged, that in base

within a laurel wreath argent.

*Manassas, VA
  • Fredericksburg, VA
Date founded
February 21, 1998 (AS 32)
Founding Baron/Baroness
Baron Ivan Ivanovich Nemytyi and Countess Rowan Berran McDowell
Current Baron/Baroness
Dunstan and Cynthia Anne
Barony of Stierbach

A chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism in the northwestern part of the Kingdom of Atlantia. Our lands include the counties of Loudoun, Prince William, Fauquier, Rappahannock, Culpeper, Warren, Clark, and Stafford, as well as the cities of Manassas, Chantilly, Clarke County, Frederick County, Shenandoah County, Warren County, the city of Winchester, and Centreville. Our Canton of Sudentorre encompasses Caroline County, King George County, Spotsylvania County, Stafford County, and Fredericksburg.

Baron & Baronesses of Stierbach

Baron Ivan Ivanovich & Baroness Rowan Berran McDowell

A.S. 32 - A.S. 34

Baron Dafydd Sean ap Hywel & Baroness Morgan Catriona Bruce

A.S. 34 - A.S. 35

Baron Mika Longbow & Baroness Ursla d’Arcy

A.S. 35 - A.S. 38

Baron Colum Maxwell & Baroness Briana Malukas

A.S. 38 - A.S.42

Baron Flaithri Cearnaigh & Baroness Rhowen verch Tuder

A.S. 42 - A.S. 47

Baron Valgard av Mors & Baroness Esperanza Susanna Flecha

A.S. 47 - A.S. 52

Baron Dietrich Saphir zum Drache & Baroness Karin Taylor de Cameron

A.S. 52 - A.S. 56

Baron Wulff Nuremberger & Baroness Genefe Wolfelin

A.S. 56 - A.S. 58

Baron Dunstan Stonehill & Baroness Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes

A.S. 58 - Present


Order of Saint Roch

Given to those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their service to the Barony. Converted from the original Holy Cow award where it was said "Holy Cow, you have done a lot of work!"

Award of the Silver Bow

Given to those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their skill with bow and arrow, either target or combat. It recognizes also their leadership in furthering combat or target archery education and techniques, and their honorable deportment on and off the field. Formerly called the Order of the Vined Bow.

Award of the Minotaur

Given to those subjects of the barony who have distinguished themselves by their efforts on the heavy fighting field in defense of Stierbach. Formerly called the Order of Theseus.

Award of the Silver Glove

Given to those subjects of the barony who have distinguished themselves by their efforts on the rapier fighting field in defense of Stierbach. Formerly called the Order of the Argent Glove.

Award of the Silver Axe

Given to those subjects of the barony who have distinguished themselves by their efforts on the thrown weapons fighting field in defense of Stierbach. Formerly called the Order of the Dueling Axe.

Award of the Silver Compass

Given to those subjects of the barony who have distinguished themselves by their efforts and willingness to teach others the arts and sciences of the period, and/or those who have achieved excellence in the arts and sciences of the period. Formerly called the Northern Star Award.

Order of the Silver Heart

Given to those subjects of the barony who have distinguished themselves far and above the ordinary in service to the barony. Formerly called the Heart of Stierbach.

Award of the Bull and the Crescent

Given to those children of the barony who have distinguished themselves far and above the ordinary in service to the barony. Formerly called the Promise of Stierbach, and briefly the Silver Moon.

Holder of the Dreamer's Cup

Token acknowledging an individual who has best embodied the spirit of the Society during a Baronial event. Selected by the Autocrat, Seneschal, Baroness, and current holder for the Cup. (Baron will act as a tiebreaker.) The recipient has the privilege of carrying the cup at all events he/she attends until the next Baronial event when a successor is selected, and the cup is passed on.

Award of the Silver Stirrup

Silver Stirrup of Stierbach, Award of the This order name was registered to Stierbach, Barony of in November of 2015 (via Atlantia).

Award of the Silver Horns

Given to those in the Barony who have distinguished themselves by service to the Barony. May be received more than once.

Award of the Bull and Arrow

Given to those children of the Barony who have distinguished themselves far and above in Archery.