Atlantian Vector Images
This page is a clearing house for Atlantian Vector Images. Please use a standard canvas size of 300px for consistency (they're vectors, they'll scale :-) ). Also, really complex SVGs, over 500k, will not generate a preview thumbnail when you upload them so try to keep your file size small if you can.
Vector elements and layout guides can be found at The Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

Arms of the Kingdom of Atlantia
Ensign of Atlantia
Angry Spike
Baby Spike
Baronies of Atlantia
Sacred Stone 02
Raven's Cove 02
Shires of Atlantia
Royal Peers
Bestowed Peers
Kingdom Orders
Orders of High Merit (GoA)
Golden Lance 02
Orders of Merit (AoA)
Quintain 02
Non-Armigerous Kingdom Orders
Kingdom Awards
Non-Armigerous Kingdom Awards
Youth Awards
Kingdom Honors
Kingdom Guilds
Atlantia Guild of Archers
Baronies of Atlantia
Barony of Windmasters' Hill
Cantons of Windmasters' Hill
Populace Badges
Windmasters' Hill Populace Badge
Windmasters' Hill Populace Badge 02
Buckston on Eno Populace Badge
Elvegast Populace Badge
Kapellenberg Populace Badge
Baronial Orders (Non-Polling)
Order of the Kitty Hawk (For service to the Barony)
Order of Boreas (For excellence in Arts & Sciences)
Order of Don Quixote (For service to the Barony above and beyond sanity)
Order of St. Nicholas (For service by a child to the barony or by an adult for the children of the barony)
Order of the Golden Ladle (For excellence in cooking)
Order of the Tempest (For excellence in martial activities)
Order of the Aeolus (For those that distinguished themselves at martial activity while not having yet reached 18 years of age)
Baronial Awards
Award of the Eurus (Given for single noteworthy act of service)
Award of the Hurt (Given to someone injured in service to the Barony)
Award of the Torteau (Given for a single effort of distinction on the fighting field)
Award of the Notus (Given for a single wonder of Arts and Sciences)
Baronial Guilds
Windmasters' Hill Baronial Archer Corps
Windmasters' Hill Needlework Guild
Windmasters Hill Calligraphers and Illuminators Guild
Barony of Caer Mear
College of Yarnvid
Canton of Rivers Point
Canton of Caer Gleynniog
Barony of Storvik
Barony of Nottinghill Coill
Canton of Brockore Abbey
Canton of Cydllan Downs
Canton of Falconcree
Canton of Ritterwald
Canton of Saint Georges
Barony of Tir-y-Don
Barony of the Sacred Stone
Canton of Aire Faucon
Canton of Charlesbury Crossing
Canton of Crois Brigte
Canton of Middlegate
Canton of Salesberie Glenn
Barony of Black Diamond
Canton of Sevenhills
Barony of Hidden Mountain
Canton of Moorhaven
Canton of Misty Marsh by the Sea
Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore
Barony of Marinus
Barony of Lochmere
Barony of Ponte Alto
Barony of Dun Carraig
Barony of Bright Hills
Barony of Stierbach
Canton of Sudentorre
Barony of Highland Foorde
Barony of Hawkwood
Cantons of Hawkwood
Barony of Ravens Cove
Shires of Atlantia
Shire of Border Vale Keep
Shire of Isenfir
Shire of Roxbury Mill
Shire of Seareach
Shire of Spiaggia Levantina
Shire of Ursus Bay
Chancellor for Youth Activities
Herald 02
Silent Herald
Chancellor Exchequer
Minister of the Lists
Web Minister
Arts and Sciences Minister
Target Archery Marshall 02
Knight Marshall 02
Rapier Marshall 02
Thrown Weapons Marshall 02