Atlantian Vector Images: Difference between revisions

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Owen c (talk | contribs)
Owen c (talk | contribs)
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== Baronies of Atlantia ==
== Baronies of Atlantia ==
<gallery mode="traditional">
<gallery mode="traditional">
File:Windmasters_Hill_Arms.svg|[[Windmasters' Hill]]
File:Barony of Caer Mear.svg|[[Caer Mear]]
File:Barony of Caer Mear.svg|[[Caer Mear]]
File:Barony of Storvik.svg|[[Storvik]]
<!-- Nottinghill Coill -->
<!-- Tir-y-Don -->
File:Barony of Sacred Stone.svg|[[Sacred Stone]]
File:Sacred_Stone.svg|Sacred Stone 02
<!-- Barony of Black Diamond -->
<!-- Barony of Hidden Mountain -->
<!-- Barony of Marinus-->
File:Barony of Lochmere.svg|[[Lochmere]]
<!-- Barony of Ponte Alto-->
File:Barony of Dun Carraig.svg|[[Barony of Dun Carraig]]
File:Barony of Bright Hills.svg|[[Barony of Bright Hills]]
File:Barony of Stierbach.svg|[[Barony of Stierbach]]
File:Highland Foorde.svg|[[Highland Foorde]]
File:Barony of Highland Foorde.svg| Highland Foorde 02
File:Hawkwood Arms.svg|[[Barony of Hawkwood]]
File:Hawkwood Arms.svg|[[Barony of Hawkwood]]
File:Highland Foorde.svg|[[Highland Foorde]]
File:Barony of Lochmere.svg|[[Lochmere]]
File:Barony of Ravens Cove.svg|[[Raven's Cove]]
File:Barony of Ravens Cove.svg|[[Raven's Cove]]
File:Ravens Cove arms.svg| Raven's Cove 02
File:Ravens Cove arms.svg| Raven's Cove 02
File:Barony of Sacred Stone.svg|[[Sacred Stone]]
File:Sacred_Stone.svg|Sacred Stone 02
File:Barony of Storvik.svg|[[Storvik]]
File:Windmasters_Hill_Arms.svg|[[Windmasters' Hill]]

Revision as of 08:38, 17 May 2024

This page is a clearing house for Atlantian Vector Images. Please use a standard canvas size of 300px for consistency (they're vectors, they'll scale :-) ). Also, really complex SVGs, over 500k, will not generate a preview thumbnail when you upload them so try to keep your file size small if you can.

Vector elements and layout guides can be found at The Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

SCA Submission Escutcheon



Baronies of Atlantia

Shires of Atlantia


Royal Peers

Bestowed Peers

Kingdom Orders

Orders of High Merit (GoA)

Orders of Merit (AoA)

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Orders

Kingdom Awards

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Awards

Youth Awards

Kingdom Honors

Kingdom Guilds

Baronies of Atlantia

Barony of Windmasters' Hill

Cantons of Windmasters' Hill

Populace Badges

Baronial Orders (Non-Polling)

Baronial Awards

Baronial Guilds

Barony of Caer Mear

College of Yarnvid

Canton of Rivers Point

Canton of Caer Gleynniog

Barony of Storvik

Barony of Nottinghill Coill

Canton of Brockore Abbey

Canton of Cydllan Downs

Canton of Falconcree

Canton of Ritterwald

Canton of Saint Georges

Barony of Tir-y-Don

Barony of the Sacred Stone

Canton of Aire Faucon

Canton of Charlesbury Crossing

Canton of Crois Brigte

Canton of Middlegate

Canton of Salesberie Glenn

Barony of Black Diamond

Canton of Sevenhills

Barony of Hidden Mountain

Canton of Moorhaven

Canton of Misty Marsh by the Sea

Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore

Barony of Marinus

Barony of Lochmere

Barony of Ponte Alto

Barony of Dun Carraig

Barony of Bright Hills

Barony of Stierbach

Canton of Sudentorre

Barony of Highland Foorde

Barony of Hawkwood

Canton of Stormwall

Canton of Haukesgate

Barony of Ravens Cove

Shires of Atlantia

Shire of Border Vale Keep

Shire of Isenfir

Shire of Roxbury Mill

Shire of Seareach

Shire of Spiaggia Levantina

Shire of Ursus Bay
