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Revision as of 21:09, 1 June 2022


Lady Ailís inghean uí Riagáin.
Resides: Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry
Lady Ailis inghean uí Riagáin


Greetings! I am Lady Ailís inghean uí Riagáin.

Ailis: Ay (as in 'bay') lis (as in 'miss')
Riagáin: Ria (as in 'free') gáin (as in 'gun')


My journey with the SCA began in the year 2014. A fan of Renaissance festivals and history in general, someone I knew at the time suggested I check out the event coming up called War of the Wings and to check out what the Society for Creative Anachronism is. Prior to the event, I looked up my local group, the Canton of Crois Brigte and reached out to the members of that group online to find out more information. War of the Wings 2014 was my first event and everything about it just felt like "home." I currently reside in the Canton of Middlegate in the Barony of the Sacred Stone, my early years with the SCA, Crois Brigte was my home.

I tend to lean more towards the service aspect of the SCA and usually do a lot of work in the background. I've created numerous websites for different events in my area as well as websites for local Cantons and the Barony of the Sacred Stone.

I enjoy archery, open fire cooking and drumming and tend to absorb new skills and ideas like a sponge. At events, you can usually find me where archery or drumming is taking place!


My given name of Ailis comes from around the 13th Century, Ireland and my surname comes from around the 4th Century, from one of the four tribes/Clanns of Tara Ireland

Ailis inghean Ui Riagain, born to a nobleman living near the river Boyne in the year 1270, which is modern day County Meath, Ireland. She spent her time learning beekeeping.

The rest is a work in progress


Pupure, a bee skep beset by bees between in chief two trees eradicated argent


Office Jurisdiction Date Held
Webminister Canton of Crois Brigte January 2015 - May 2021
Webminister Barony of the Sacred Stone July 2018 - current
Webminister Canton of Middlegate October 2018 - current
Webminister Kingdom Exchequer (Atlantia) November 2019 - current

Positions & Event Staff

Position Jurisdiction Date Held
Baronial Beekeeper Barony of the Sacred Stone June 2018 - current
Event Staff Position Date Group
Southern Atlantia Archery Day Webminister 2017 Barony of the Sacred Stone
War of the Wings XII Cartographer 2017 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Return to Crecy Webminister 2018 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Gardens of Thyme Webminister 2018 Canton of Crois Brigte
Atlantian 12th Night Webminister 2019 Atlantia
Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium Webminister 2019 Known World
Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday 2019 Webminister 2019 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Southern Atlantia Archery Day Webminister 2020 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Mists of Atlantia: Gawain & the Green Knight Webminister 2020 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday 2021 Webminister 2021 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Gardens of Thyme & Oakwood Webminister 2022 Canton of Middlegate
Below the Salt Webminister 2022 Barony of the Sacred Stone

Projects & Publications


Group Project Description
Canton of Crois Brigte Webminister construction and maintenance of website
Castle Elchenburg Website Cartographer creation of maps for website and for use at events
Barony of the Sacred Stone Webminister construction and maintenance of website
Canton of Middlegate Webminister construction and maintenance of website

Classes Taught

Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium August 25, 2018

  • Beekeeping


Awards and Achievements

Award Date Award Name Event Bestowed By
23 September 2017 Award of Arms (Atlantia) Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday and Investiture (Atlantia) Cuán VII and Signy I
23 September 2017 Award of the Fountain (Atlantia) Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday and Investiture (Atlantia) Cuán VII and Signy I
6 June 2020 Award of the Flame of the Phoenix (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone) SAAD - Oh, For Cog's Sake - VIRTUAL EVENT (Crois Brigte) Murienne
19 September 2020 Companion of the Sacred Stone (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone) VIRTUAL Event: Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday (Sacred Stone) Murienne
27 February 2021 Baronial Award of Excellence (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone) VIRTUAL: Ymir - The Giant Sleeps (Windmaster's Hill) Alain and Azza
27 February 2021 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia) VIRTUAL: Ymir - The Giant Sleeps (Windmaster's Hill) Anton V & Luned IV

Order of Precedence Listing
