Barony of the Sacred Stone

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Barony of the Sacred Stone
Vert, a double-headed phoenix and in chief a laurel wreath argent.
* Winston Salem, NC
  • Salisbury, NC
  • Charlotte, NC
  • Lincolnton, NC
  • Gastonia, NC
  • Kings Mountain, NC
  • Pineville, NC
Date founded
September 6th, 1982 (AS 17)
Founding Baron/Baroness
Sir Jason Michael of Andover and Mistress Susan Douglas of Andover
Current Baron/Baroness
Mistress Azza al-Shiraziyyal and Master Alain ap Dafydd
Barony of the Sacred Stone

The Barony of the Sacred Stone is the sixth Barony in the Kingdom of Atlantia. The Barony of the Sacred Stone originally comprised the Western half of North Carolina but is now known as the land from the Foothills and Northern mountains of North Carolina to the Great Pee Dee River.


Three SCA branches of the Barony of Windmaster’s Hill; the Canton of the Guardians of the Sacred Stone (founded 1/77), the Canton of Hindscroft (founded 5/78) and the Canton of Hawkwood (founded 2/79) joined together in 1980 to form the Shire of Emanon which was elevated to Baronial status in September of 1982. Thus, was the Barony of the Sacred Stone born!


Canton of Aire Faucon Counties: Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln, and Rutherford
Canton of Charlesbury Crossing Counties: Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Stanly, and Union
Canton of Crois Brigte Counties: Forsyth, Surry, Wilkes, and Yadkin
Canton of Middlegate Counties: Davidson, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham, and Stokes
Canton of Salesberie Glen Counties: Rowan