Nezhka Orshinaia
Lady Nezhka Orshinaia is a bard from the Kingdom of Atlantia in the Barony of Raven's Cove. She is apprenticed to Master Johann von Solothurn and loves singing, storytelling, and rapier fighting. Her persona is Kievan Rus, but she loves telling stories from all over the world - especially those about dragons!
Nezhka was fortunate to have been found by a nun on the streets of Kiev. She was taken into the school that was founded by Anna Vsevolodovna, a princess of Kiev and was one of the first students to attend the school Princess Anna created for girls in the 1090s. The curriculum consisted of reading, writing, sewing, rhetoric, and singing as well as teaching the girls Greek and Latin. Nezhka took to the rhetoric and singing in particular and when she finished her studies began to travel with diplomatic envoys sent from Kiev to the Byzantine empire in service to royal family using her new-found skills. During her travels, she was able to meet with many people from all over the world due to the centrality of Byzantium for trade. She began to learn more about other cultures and places and soon decided to offer her services as a literate to other delegations going to and from Kiev.
Eventually, as her success grew, her travels took her farther and farther north and west and she found herself in Denmark where she first met a group of visiting Skalds. Entranced by their abilities as singer and storytellers, she decided to learn more of the bardic arts and followed them back to their home in Iceland where she continues to practice and learn. She continues her travels as well, incorporating the songs and stories from other delegations into her repertoire and has begun to earn her living in this new profession.
Offices & Positions
No matter what, Nezhka enjoys serving individuals, her barony, and the kingdom. She is currently the deputy herald, deputy minister of arts and sciences and social media officer for the Barony of Raven's Cove. She has helped as a landocrat and nastycrat at events and enjoys jumping in where needed.
Original Bardic Pieces
Dread and Suspense (lyrics and tune), 2020
Guardians of Iceland (lyrics only, tune Maistjarnan), 2020
Dragon’s Lullaby (lyrics and tune), 2020
The Table of Brunanburh (lyrics and tune), 2020
Beware, Women Warriors (lyrics and tune), 2019
Baron Decaf (lyrics and tune), 2019
Legacy of Blue and Gold (lyrics and tune), 2019
Ferus Draco (lyrics and tune), 2018
The Captain of Her Excellency’s Guard (lyrics and tunes), 2018
Bardic Expos and Competitions
East Kingdom Bardic Madness Online – 2020
Atlantian Royal Bard Competition – 2020
War of the Wings Bardic Smackdown – 2019
Ruby Joust Bardic Expo – 2019
Sheep Raids Arts & Sciences Bardic Competition – 2018 (winner)
War of the Wings Bardic Expo – 2018
Classes Taught
Beginning Storytelling – Virtual Atlantia, July 21, 2020
Teaching Creatively Online with Zoom and Other Platforms – June 30, 2020
Bardic 101 – Virtual Atlantia, June 12, 2020
Storytelling for Children – Virtual Atlantia, May 21, 2020
Bardics Hosted / Co-Hosted / Offered
Coastal Bardic IV – August 21, 2020
Coastal Bardic III – July 24, 2020
Coastal Bardic II – July 11, 2020 (Offered)
Coastal Bardic I – June 26, 2020
Baronial Bardic Bonfire – June 19, 2020
Encampment Bardic Circle at Ruby Joust – May 25, 2020
Registration pending
Awards and Achievements
Baron’s Award of Excellence, for storytelling – 2020 (RCBB, Baron Lochlainn hua Rigbarddain)
Drakkar’s Prow, rapier prowess – 2019 (WotW, Barony of Raven’s Cove)
Award of Arms – 2019 (Journey Through the Nine Realms, Christoph & Adelhait,)
Black Compass Rose, for leatherwork – 2019 (RCBB, Lochlainn & Edan)
Winner, Arts and Sciences Competition (Bardic) – 2018 (Sheep Raids, Seareach)
Winner, Arts and Sciences Competition (Fiber Art) – 2018 (Sheep Raids, Seareach)