Kingdoms of the Known World

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Kingdoms of the Known World
Attribution to Naomi bat Avraham (Naomi Hampson)
Date founded
May 1, 1966 (AS 1)
Founding Crown
Current Crown
Current Heirs
[SCA Geography]

The SCA is divided into administrative regions which it calls Kingdoms. Smaller branches within those kingdoms include Principalities, Regions, Baronies, and Provinces, and local chapters are known as Cantons, Ridings, Shires, Colleges, Strongholds, and Ports. Kingdoms, Principalities, and Baronies have ceremonial rulers who preside over activities and issue awards to individuals and groups. Colleges, Strongholds, and Ports are local chapters (like a shire) that are associated with an institution, such as a school, military base, or even a military ship at sea.The By-Laws and Corporate Policies of the SCA, Inc. Milpitas, CA: Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. 2007. [1]

All SCA branches are organized in descending order as follows:

  • Kingdom: area ruled by a King and Queen (typically covering several U.S. states or Canadian provinces, and can be as large as countries or collections of countries). Minimum members required 400.
    • Principality: area within a kingdom ruled by Prince and Princess (large area sometimes comprising entire states). Minimum members required 100.
    • Region: equivalent of principality without ceremonial representative
      • Barony: area administered by a Baron and/or Baroness, the ceremonial representative(s) of the Crown. Minimum members required 25.
        • Canton: local branch reporting through a barony (local chapter, which may be on the way to becoming a shire)
      • Province: equivalent of barony without ceremonial representative
        • Riding: local branch reporting through a province
      • Shire: local branch reporting directly to a kingdom or principality. Minimum members required 5.
      • College: institutional branch based at a school, research facility, etc. (may be a part of a larger local group or report directly to a principality or kingdom)
      • Stronghold: institutional branch based at a military installation (may be a part of a larger local group or report directly to a principality or kingdom)
      • Port: institutional branch based at a military installation in situations where groups of members will be detached for long periods, as with ships at sea (may be a part of a larger local group or report directly to a principality or kingdom)

List of Kingdoms

Kingdom Founded (AS) Founded (Year) Founded (Month) Location
West Kingdom A.S. 01 1966 May USA: Northern California, Nevada and Alaska
ASIA: Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Pacific Rim
East Kingdom A.S. 03 1968 June USA: eastern Pennsylvania, eastern New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine
CANADA: Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland.
Middle Kingdom A.S. 04 1969 September USA: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Scott County in Iowa, Kentucky (except the southwest counties).
CANADA: Essex County and Windsor in Ontario.
Atenveldt A.S. 05 1971 January USA: Arizona
Meridies A.S. 12 1978 January USA: Alabama, almost all of Georgia, a bit of the panhandle of Florida, most of Tennessee, and parts of southern Kentucky (Allen, Barren, Calloway, Logan, Simpson, and Warren counties).
Caid A.S. 13 1978 June USA: Southern California, Greater Las Vegas Area, and Hawaii
Ansteorra A.S. 14 1979 June USA: Oklahoma, and Texas east of the Mountain time zone.
Atlantia A.S. 16 1981 May USA: Maryland, District of Columbia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Augusta, Georgia.
An Tir A.S. 16 1982 January USA: Oregon, Washington, the northern tip of Idaho
CANADA: most of British Columbia, Yukon and Northwest Territories
Calontir A.S. 18 1984 February USA: Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Northern Arkansas.
Trimaris A.S. 20 1985 September USA: Majority of Florida; lays claim to Panama.
The Outlands A.S. 21 1986 June USA: New Mexico, most of Colorado, parts of Nebraska; Eastern Wyoming, and El Paso & Hudspeth counties in Texas.
Drachenwald A.S. 28 1993 June Europe, Africa, Middle East
Artemisia A.S. 32 1997 July USA: Montana, southern Idaho, most of Utah, western Colorado, and Western Wyoming (Evanston, Green River, and Rock Springs)
Aethelmearc A.S. 32 1997 September USA: central/western Pennsylvania, western New York, and West Virginia.
Ealdormere A.S. 33 1998 October CANADA: Ontario (except for Essex County, and Northwestern Ontario around Thunder Bay.)
Lochac A.S. 37 2002 July Australia and New Zealand; parts of Antarctica
Northshield A.S. 39 2004 October USA: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
CANADA: Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario.
Gleann Abhann A.S. 40 2005 November USA: Mississippi, Louisiana, most of Arkansas, and Memphis, Tennessee
Avacal A.S. 50 2015 June CANADA: eastern British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan

External Links

  • SCA Geography: [2]
