Juliana le Webbe

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Juliana le Webbe at the 2021 Holiday Faire
Resides: Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

no current registered arms

Lady Juliana le Webbe currently hails from the Barony of Ponte Alto. She joined the SCA in November of 2020, during Plague Times. Her primary interests include sewing, various fiber arts, and thrown weapons. She is currently the Chronicler for the Barony of Ponte Alto.


16th Century Scottish

Juliana le Webbe was born in Scotland to an English father and Scottish mother, both merchants. When Juliana was 9-years-old, she was sent to live with her father's older brother, Sir Edmund le Webbe. Sir Edmund was a knight who owed military service to a baron with lands in Northumberland. Sir Edmund is fond of his niece but had no idea what to do with a child, and so Juliana was put into fosterage at the barony Sir Edmund served with other girls who were being trained in all manner of womanly arts by the baroness.

Juliana grew to adulthood in this household, learning how to spin, embroider, and sew to keep herself and the household well clothed. Upon her 16th birthday, Juliana formally became one of the baroness' ladies-in-waiting, earning herself a permanent place.

Juliana sees her parents periodically, mostly during the times they're in the area trading, but does exchange letters with them. She sees her uncle considerably more frequently by dint of living in the same castle. Sir Edmund is very proud of his niece's accomplishments, and they try to see each other at least once a week.

Offices & Positions

Title Jurisdiction Date Held
Deputy Baronial Chronicler Barony of Ponte Alto October 2021 - July 2022
Baronial Chronicler Barony of Ponte Alto August 2022 - Present

Projects & Publications

Juliana has had several articles published in Il Tempo, the Barony of Ponte Alto's newsletter.

Il Tempo can be found here: https://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/chronicler.php


Juliana is currently working on her heraldry with her local herald.

Awards and Achievements


Award Awarded By Date Given
Onore del Ponte d'Oro Barony of Ponte Alto St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath 2022
Award of Arms Kingdom of Atlantia St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath 2022
Order of the Opal Kingdom of Atlantia St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath 2022

Classes Taught

Class Name Date Given
Formatting Microsoft Word for Documentation Barony of Ponte Alto A&S Night, August 2021