Ingegerd Kastanrazi

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Baronka Ingegerd Kastanrazi aka "Inge" (She/her)

Tempus Fugit

Lithuanian Baltic/Swedish Rus Persona, traveling merchant class family trader persona (wardrobe may vary)

Squire to Sir Randall de Gloucester Apprentice and Protégé to Dame Aoife (Æthelmearc)

One of many founding members of the Shire of Ursus Bay, (Eastern North Carolina) Baroness with GoA (Baronka) but you can call me "Inge".

Golden Dolphin Sea Stag Opal Silver Osprey Star of the Sea Narwhal Fountain Retired Landed Baroness of Endless Hills, Æthelmearc 2003-2006 Moved to Atlantia in 2014

Calligraphy and Illumination scribe Mother to Lady Evelyn the Destroyer, and Vakr Knutrsson Spouse to Lord Knutr Vakrsson aka "The Bacon Shark"

Inge loves good coffee, matcha tea, to Fight Heavy Weapons, to Cook, Make art of all kinds- including but not limited to scribal, clay, glass, metal, leather, weaving, sewing, millinery, embroidery, etc. Inge took a hiatus from the SCA to earn her BA in Art Education in 2012.

Since finding the SCA in her teenage years in the mid 90's Inge has served in the following offices for various branches, MoAS, Youth Minister, Landed Baroness, Knight Marshal, and soon to be Seneschal of the Incipient Shire of Ursus Bay.