Greer Jonsdottir

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Resides: Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Registered Arms


Greer was born in the early 16th century in the borderlands of the German nations and the low countries. Through marriage and hard work, Greer has built a successful home and business in her hometown of Dusseldorf. Greer is moderately skilled in the many mundane arts necessary for a hausfrau, including sewing, embroidery, lacemaking, knitting, cooking, preserving, cheesemaking, the making and boiling of starch and laundry soaps and the washing dyeing and care of all kinds of cloth. She reads well enough to maintain household accounts, and to ensure she abides by sumptuary law and church expectations.

SCA History

In college Greer was enticed to "come play dress up for a weekend". 30-odd years later Greer is still playing dress up, still learning, still perfecting various arts. A short sojourn in the Kingdom of the East in 2014 ended with a return to her beloved Atlantia with no plan to leave again. Greer has a love for learning new things, and found kindred souls in her Laurels, Mistress Margaret Cameron and Mistress Mary Isobel of Heatherstone, who helped her hone her skills as a teacher and loved her without hesitation. Greer looks forward to building the same chosen family relationships with her own apprentices. Greer is also a proto-protégé of Master William Cameron, who is very patient with her flightiness.


Being the capital P Peer for an apprentice is a huge responsibility. Greer is delighted that Lady Anne d'Evreux agreed to enter into the Peer-Apprentice relationship, and hopes it will be to their mutual benefit.

Offices Held

Barony of Bright Hills:

MoL - 1994?

Baroness - 2019-2019

Barony of Lochmere:

MoAS - 2017-2018

Deputy Seneschal 2018-2019


Argent, a frog rampant vert spotted sable, a bordure embattled vert

Awards and Achievements


Award Date Award Name Event Bestowed By
10/29/1994 Companion of the Blue Collar (atlantia)(Bright Hills) Transylvanian Travesty Heinrich and Barbara
1/6/1996 Award of Arms (Atlantia) Kingdom Twelfth Night (Black Diamond) Cuan II and Brigit I
2/21/1998 Award of the Undine (Atlantia) Stierbach Baronial Elevation and Investiture (Stierbach) Logan II and Arielle II
4/28/2001 Companion of the Pearl (Atlantia) Bright Hills Baronial Investiture (Bright Hills) Havordth I and Mary Grace I
3/26/2016 Court Baroness (Atlantia) Defending the Gate XV (Sudentorre) Christoph I and Adelheit I
4/29/2017 Award of the Silver Nautilus (Atlantia) Revenge of the Stitch IV (Spiaggia Levantina) Cuán VII and Signy I
5/20/2017 Award of Courtesy of Lochmere (Atlantia) (Lochmere) On Target (Lochmere) Gebrell and Avice
1/27/2018 Companion of the Eagle's Feather (Atlantia) (Lochmere) Midwinter's Feast (Lochmere) Cormac and Sarra
1/26/2019 Companion of the Blasted Oak (Atlantia) (Lochmere) The Road to Compostela (Midwinters Revel) (Lochmere) Cormac and Sarra
5/25/2019 Mistress of the Laurel (Atlantia) Ruby Joust VIII (Caer Mear) Christoph II and Adelhait II

Atlantia Order of Precedence