Gordon Kinloch

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Gordon Kinloch (aka Godai Katsunaga)


In Armor at BAWT 1
Resides: Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Registered Arms


Gordon resides and is active in the Barony of Bright Hills. His interest include archery, armored combat, combat archery, and bardic.


Gordon Kinloch is a persona for a 14th Century Scottish noble. Gordon holds land in the Angus area of the east coast adjacent to the highlands. He is a minor lord under The Earl of Crawford, David Lindsey.

Godai Katsunaga is a persona for a 15th Century Samurai, previously an archer in the army of his lordship Shimazu Yoshihirsa, the Lord of Satsuma and Osumi provinces. After years of warfare, he is currently living a life of contemplation.

Offices & Positions

Current Office Kingdom Earl Marshal for Atlantia

Positions Held

  • Baron of Bright Hills
  • DEM Combat Archery
  • Principle, Order of the Yew Bow
  • Emergency DEM Combat Archery
  • Target Archery Marshal Bright Hills

Projects & Publications

Japanese research and class handouts

  • Yumi and Ya, a history of Archery in Japan
  • Japanese Archery, rules for shooting and warfare
  • Arrow verses Armor, A penetration experiment with Japanese arrows
  • Building the Japanese Arrow for the target archer
  • Ya, period arrow construction
  • The Japanese Quiver construction
  • Sumi-e, ink drawings
  • Training and Leisure time of a Samurai
  • The Hokku, a Japanese Poetry overview
  • Ikebana, flower arranging up to 1600
  • Hanko Stamps, signature seal history and construction
  • Agriculture in Japan during the late Medieval period.
  • Merchants and crafts in late medieval Japanese Cities

General research and class handouts

  • Science of Archery
  • Great Highland Bagpipes, a history the music and pipers
  • Calculating static arrow spine
  • Basics of Combat Archery


Sable, a pheon inverted within a mascle argent.

Registered with the College of Arms in September 2009.