Free Scholar

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Official badge of the Academie d'Espee

Sometimes called "Gold Scarves", free scholars are the second level of the Academie d'Espee. It is generally understood free scholars possess novice to intermediate level prowess, regularly perform service, and are capable up-and-coming leaders within the rapier community. To become a free scholar, a scholar must have three (3) provost sponsors. Elevation to the Academie rank of free scholar does not involve the Crown and is not an award so much as it is a job within the community. A free scholar elevation, or prize fight, involves a public display of the rapier fighter's prowess, a gifting of a prize box, a replacement of the blue scarf on the left arm with a gold one, and a swearing of the Free Scholar Oath.

Current active free scholars

Free Scholar's Oath

Henceforth, you will hold to these conditions of our Order, which have been made known to you here, in the presence of your fellow Free Scholars.

You shall be a loyal subject to our Sovereigns, King ____ and Queen ___, Monarchs of Atlantia, and to their successors. You will serve them and theirs against all nations to the best of your ability.

You shall be a true Free Scholar, teaching others to uphold our traditions, to love truth and knowledge, and to hate falsehood and ignorance, as you and other Free Scholars do. You shall teach only those who have proven themselves worthy of the responsibility that comes with this knowledge; as such, you shall not teach any suspect person, as a murderer, a thief, a common drunkard, or those who be common quarrelers.

When called upon to render judgment on any prize, game, or bout, you shall promptly speak the truth of what you have witnessed as it appears to you, setting aside all bias.

You shall always be merciful to any who are true subjects of Atlantia, and should you have the upper hand over them, you shall not kill them should you be able to preserve yourself without further bloodshed.

You shall keep this Free Scholar’s Oath in all things declared unto you in the presence of your brethren of this Academie, on your sacred honor.