Diana of Windmasters' Hill

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Lady Diana of Windmasters Hill

Lady Diana of Windmasters Hill
Resides: Crown Land, Atlantia, but playing in the Barony of Windmasters' Hill
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry
Argent, three natural sea-tortoises conjoined in pall inverted heads outwards vert, a bordure wavy azure semy of escallops argent. (April 2016)
Household of Rosewolf Haven

Registered Arms


Lady Diana of Windmasters' Hill joined the SCA on June 6, 2015. She jokingly, yet accurately, refers to this as “D-Day”. She lives outside of any Baronial boarders in Crown Land, but calls the Barony of Windmasters' Hill her home. She was belted as Protégé to Dame Elizabeth of Rosewood (Shrewlet) in October 2017 at War of the Wings. She is a member of the service and hospitality household, Rosewolf Haven.

In service, she is currently Windmasters' Hill’s Head Retainer, and also serves when she can as a retainer for Atlantian Royalty, other Baronies, and for visitors from other Kingdoms. She is the cleaner of kitchens, washer of dishes, server of feasts, bearer of water, troll, and willing extra hands for setup and tear down at events. She also volunteers her time helping other SCAdians in their mundane lives.

Her passion is largesse and she gives freely of her time and materials to make period appropriate items for both Barony and Kingdom. Her A&S skills include wood turning, woodworking, naalbinding, sewing, and scribal arts. She has created and donated over 2,000 pieces of largesse to date (a few photos are at the bottom of this page).


Full of mischief and having a love for shenanigans, Lady Diana can be a con artist and trickster. She has been known to hide wording in the contracts that she is commissioned to scribe for others, and by doing so, she awarded herself privileges and gain. She once scribed, in the border of her protégé brother, Lord Njáll Gunnarson, and Peer, Shrewlet's contract, wording that bound her brother to her own service, bound her Peer to acknowledge that she would always be the favorite protégé, and that all disagreements between herself and her new brother would side on Diana’s own behalf. Both Peer and protégé unwittingly signed the contract in the presence of then Prince Christoph and Princess Adelhait, as well as dozens of other members of the Atlantian populace. Link to contract signing here

Diana’s garb persona drifts with the winds. She is currently loving 14th Century clothing and adores a bycocket, but she has also embraced Viking apron dresses with glass beads and brooches. She is considering other late period styles.


Argent, three natural sea-tortoises conjoined in pall inverted heads outwards vert, a bordure wavy azure semy of escallops argent.

Fealty Relationships & Household Affiliations

Lady Diana is a protégé to Dame Elizabeth of Rosewood.

She is grand-protégé to Dame Morwenna Trevethan.

She is also a member of Rosewolf Haven.

Rosewolf Haven

Offices & Positions



Projects & Publications

   Download a copy HERE!

Awards & Achievements

Date Award Name Event Bestowed By
10/15/2016 Award of Arms (Atlantia War of the Wings XI (Sacred Stone) William II and Alyna I
7/29/2017 Companion of the Kitty Hawk (Atlantia) (Windmaster's Hill) Pennsic War XLVI (Æthelmearc) Daemon and Typhaine
4/7/2018 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia) Spring Coronation 2018 (Atlantia) Dietrich II and Una I
11/17/2018 Companion of the Boreas (Atlantia) (Windmaster's Hill) Buckston Birthday Bash (Buckston-on-Eno) Daemon and Typhaine
1/12/2019 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia) 12th Night: A 1001 Atlantian Nights (Sacred Stone) Ragnarr V and Lynette II
5/25/2019 King's Award of Excellence (Atlantia) Ruby Joust VIII (Caer Mear) Christoph II and Adelhait II
5/25/2019 Companion of the Queen's Order of Courtesy (Atlantia) Ruby Joust VIII (Caer Mear) Christoph II and Adelhait II

Order of Precedence Entry

A Sampling of Diana's Largesse Projects