Company of Sergeants of Saint Aidan

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Company of Sergeants of Saint Aidan
"(Fieldless) A stag's head cabossed within and conjoined to an annulet Or."
Awarded for
Armored combat
Presented by
King and Queen of Atlantia
Date created
OP page
Company of Sergeants of Saint Aidan

The Company of Sergeants of Saint Aidan is a fighting company where new members are selected by existing members and brought in by the King. Inclusion in the Company is traditionally accompanied by an Augmentation of Arms, but is not an award in its own right.

The first Companion of Saint Aidan was Thomas of Calais during the reign of Their Royal Majesties Anton IV and Emer I at the Atlantian Twelfth Night Masqued Ball on January 13, 201.