Charimmos of Lakadaimonias

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On the fields at Pennsic
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Registered Arms

Despotes (using the SCA authorized alternative title for Master) Charimmos of Lakadaimonias (aka Charismos) currently lives in the Barony of Tir-y-Don and has since 2016. Much like his persona, Charimmos has travelled the Knowne World and has resided in numerous kingdoms due to previous employments with his Rich Uncle. Having been recognized and entered into various orders across these kingdoms, Charimmos keeps close ties with many of them, sometimes acting as an emissary upon the Royal's behalf.

Charimmos first began in the SCA in 1996 while then living in what was the Outlands. Having discovered the group through attendance at Colorado State University during a weekly practice, Charimmos has been sucked in ever since. First beginning in armored combat which he regularly enjoyed until medical direction to stop. Charimmos has now fought rapier since 2001 (with a bit of armored overlap) as his primary passion.

Significant Awards

Atlantia OP Entry: [1]

Previous Positions Held

  • Queen's Rapier Champion to Kára II (Atlantia)
  • Queen's Rapier Champion to Lusche II (Northshield)
  • Queen's Rapier Champion to Allienne I (Northshield)
  • Queen's Rapier Champion to Morgan I and II (Outlands)
  • Princess' Sleeve Holder to Allienne I (Northshield)
  • Rapier General for Northshield, Pennsic War 38
  • Rapier General for Northshield, Pennsic War 40
  • Rapier General for Northshield, Pennsic War 41
  • Baronial Rapier Champion for the Barony Knight's Crossing (Drachenwald), Dragonsspine (Outlands), Unser Hafen (Outlands), Windhaven (Northshield), Caer Anterth Mawr (Northshield, x2), Tir-y-Don (Atlantia)
  • Assistant Kingdom Rapier Marshal, Outlands
  • Seneschal, Shire of Rauchenderburg, Drachenwald
  • Baronial Marshal of Fence, Outlands, Northshield
  • Seneschal, Incipient College of Bentbridge, Northshield
  • Autocrat of numerous events, Kingdom and local
  • Head Chef for six feasts (Outlands and Northshield)
  • Currently on staff for Pennsic Land Staff


Charimmos hails most recently from Copenhagen in the 1590s, having worked as a merchantman originally hailing from the small city state of Sparta.


Italian Rapier (Fabris), German Longsword (Talhoffer), Tailoring (all of Charimmos' clothing is constructed by himself), Cooking, Woodworking, Cartography, Medieval Architecture and City Planning


  • Ensign Lord Cataldo Querini, Sept 2018, Rip Rap War II
  • Cadet Baron Seamus MacRae, Pennsic War 40, Outlands Defender of the White Scarf, Battlemoor VII
  • Cadet Lord Dante Falconis, Feast of the Boar's Head XXX, Northshield Order of the White Scarf, Crown Tournament of Morgan II and Lusche II