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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Orders"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- Order of Chivalry
- Order of Defense
- Order of the Alcyon
- Order of the Coral Branch
- Order of the Golden Dolphin
- Order of the Golden Lance of Atlantia
- Order of the Hippocampus
- Order of the King's Missiliers
- Order of the Kraken
- Order of the Laurel
- Order of the Nonpareil
- Order of the Opal
- Order of the Pearl
- Order of the Pelican
- Order of the Quintain
- Order of the Rose
- Order of the Sea Dragon
- Order of the Sea Stag
- Order of the Sea Tyger
- Order of the Silver Osprey
- Order of the White Scarf of Atlantia
- Order of the Yew Bow
Media in category "Orders"
The following 21 files are in this category, out of 21 total.
ATL OPAL.PNG 225 × 225; 7 KB
AtlantiaAlcyon.gif 300 × 300; 20 KB
AtlantiaCoralBranch.gif 300 × 300; 16 KB
Atlantiagoldendolphin.gif 320 × 320; 4 KB
Atlantiagoldenlance.gif 300 × 300; 35 KB
AtlantiaHippocampus.gif 300 × 300; 23 KB
AtlantiaKingsMissiliers.gif 320 × 320; 7 KB
Atlantiaknight.gif 130 × 130; 2 KB
Atlantiakraken.gif 300 × 300; 5 KB
AtlantiaMasteratarms.gif 130 × 130; 1 KB
AtlantiaNonpareil.gif 320 × 320; 5 KB
Atlantiapearl.gif 300 × 300; 29 KB
Atlantiapelican.gif 300 × 300; 34 KB
AtlantiaQueensOrderofCourtesy.gif 300 × 300; 30 KB
AtlantiaQuintain.gif 300 × 300; 19 KB
Atlantiaseastag.gif 320 × 320; 5 KB
AtlantiaSeaTyger.gif 300 × 300; 17 KB
AtlantiaSilverOsprey.gif 300 × 300; 5 KB
Atlantiayewbow.gif 300 × 300; 5 KB
Laurelvert.gif 300 × 300; 7 KB
Sea dragon.gif 300 × 300; 25 KB