Bjartmarr Hornabrjotr Juzki

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Bjartmarr Hornabrjotr Juzki
AKA: Ondraedan of Angelsey
- Photo by Joshua Hahn (Tacitus of Anglesey)
Resides: Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry
Or, a falcon gules and on a chief vert a drinking horn reversed Or
 Or, a falcon gules and on a chief vert a drinking horn reversed Or.
Registered Arms


I started doing the SCA thing in 1998. I wanted to do an early period persona and found I did not mesh well with my local group in Atlantia at the time. So, I decided to take my toys and play elsewhere. I have played with a couple early period groups and finally found myself with The Free Company of Anglesey.

My early period Germanic persona has gone from generic to me trying to get to a fully period fourth century CE, person from the area of Jotland. It has not been easy since the documentation is limited and the fact that clothing styles for the area did not change much for hundreds of years. People in the SCA generally refer to me as a Viking. I do not care except the Viking age started 300 years later and Viking is a profession and not a nationality of people.


SCA Persona – A Jute, born in the great and fine lands of Jótland, I was raised to be a metalsmith but learned to wage battle to protect my home lands. As life went on I saw a need to go forth and engage those that would someday try to take our lands. Now I live by my sword and get paid in plunder. It is a fitting life. May the gods look down on me with favor.

Hearing news of an army from the south advancing north, I and fellow kinsmen took to the ships. We sailed south and west along the coast and down the Elbe. We joined with the armies to push back the advancing Romans. For many years I fought as a mercenary against Rome. With plenty of gold, weapons and armor taken from my enemies I took back to the ship. Sailing from Gaul I made my way north to the island of Britain. One day I may find myself in my homelands but for now life is good.

I work as a smith and armorer, a woodworker and metal caster. This is what occupies my time and keeps my family well fed and clothed.

Fealty Relationships

Kinsman of The Free Company of Anglesey, Diamond Dog

Offices & Positions

None yet

Projects & Publications


Device. Or, a falcon gules and on a chief vert a drinking horn reversed Or

Badge. (Fieldless) An annulet maintaining and issuant from its outer edge three falcon’s heads in pall inverted argent.

Badge as displayed
200 x 200 px

Awards and Achievements

Award Date: 6/1/2013 Award Name: Award of Arms (Atlantia) Event: Highland River Melees (Highland Foorde) Bestowed By: Amos I and Ysabella I

Classes Taught