Aelia Suphunibal

I research Phoenician-Punic culture, history, and dress, with a focus on the central and western Mediterranean. This includes consideration of pervasive syncretism with surrounding cultures, responsible for more than a few info dives and tangents, and persistence through Roman times, which is why you all get to deal with this peculiar-seeming Neo-Punic persona.
I also sew, weave (a little), cook, garden, dye (a little), do mostly cold jewelry work, am learning lampworking, am about to get back into pottery, and am perpetually learning Spanish, Phoenician, French, Italian, and Latin, mostly poorly, but this is all secondary to or in support of the big, (overly) ambitious research project.
(Note: name was previously Aelia Sophoniba. There are many variations of the name from ancient literary sources with varying degrees of interpretation and transliteration- "Suphunibal" is directly from an inscription from Roman era Tripolitania, IRT0269.)
Pronouns: her/them
Suphunibal bat Abdeshmun bn Bodmilqart bn Arish, or Aelia Suphunibal among the Romans, is a jewelry merchant from the oppidum liberum of Leptiminus. She is, at other times, a Carthaginian, contemporary to the Athenian invasion of Sicily. Time periods represented expand alongside work on the subject.
In this, the 700th Olympiad, she can frequently be found among the local Celts, Hellenes, Romans, and Numidians.
Projects & Publications
- Co-coordinator of the Maghribi Track at Pennsic University
- Phoenician-Punic Dress and Culture Project- there will be new classes as this develops.
- Murex Dyes:
- Revenge of the Stitch Plague Edition, first round, Gathered Chiton from Tharros
- Revenge of the Stitch Plague Edition, second round, Adventures in weaving an experimental split neckline trim for a square chiton
- The Tharros Dress Project:
- "Split Pins" from Tharros:
- Learn to Read Phoenician:
- Part 1:
- Part 2: (coming after Pennsic)
- Resources:
- Wakelet collections:
Classes Taught
- The Barcids in Iberia and the Start of the Hannibalic War (Battle on the Bay)
- Learn to Read Phonician-Punic Stele Inscriptions (Battle on the Bay)
- Dress of the Punic Wars (Storvik A&S Symposium)
- Gadir to New Carthage: Phoenicians in Spain (Colegio de Iberia II)
- Putting Punic Back in Pennsic (Pennsic)
- Fashion & Trade Routes in the Ancient Western Mediterranean (Pennsic)
- When in Carthage - Phoenician/Punic Dress (University of Atlantia #103)
- Limited class materials will be available once I work out more image rights.
- Ancient North African Names (Pennsic, University of Atlantia #103)
- Jewelry in Roman Africa: Beaded Chain Necklaces (Pennsic)
- Easy, Accurate Ancient Garb (N. Atlantia A&S Night)
- Early Period North Africa Meetup (Pennsic)
- Wire Brooches 'til You Drop (Highland River Melees)
- Partial class materials:
- Early Wire Rings (Highland River Melees)
Note: Class materials are being moved to Wakelet, which doesn't break images in PDFs like Google Docs sometimes will. These can be found here:
Working: gules sphinx (alternatively: lion) sitting in front of a purpure date palm tree on an argent field.
Awards and Achievements
- Baronial A&S Champion, Highland Foorde, 6/1/19-1/11/20
- Atlantia Tempore 2021, pre-1000 CE