The following Kingdom Royal Notables are selected for excellence in their field. They are expected to combine excellence of product or performance with a reasonable attempt at period materials and/or style.
- Royal Bard
- Royal Brewer
- Poeta Atlantia
- Scrivener Royal
- Royal Baker
- Royal Artisan
- Royal Scientist (Alchemist)
- Royal Archer
- First Sword of Atlantia
The Kingdom Royal Notables are expected to encourage the disciplines for which they are selected. Suggested goals and duties are:
- Services in their discipline for the Crown.
- Sponsoring at least two competitions in their field during their tenure.
- Working with Branch Officers to encourage the growth of their discipline.
- Teaching in such venues as are available and reasonable.
The Kingdom Royal Notables are positions held in service to the Crown of Atlantia for the tenure of one year, except for the Scrivener Royal. All Kingdom Notables are overseen by the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences, with the exception of the Royal Archer and the First Sword of Atlantia, which fall under the Kingdom Earl Marshal, and the Scrivener Royal which falls under the Triton Herald.
Kingdom Royal Notable competitions are held annually at Kingdom Level Events, unless the Crown sees a need to do otherwise.
- Competitions shall be run by the current Kingdom Royal Notable, as a representative of the Crown, in consultation with the Crown and appropriate Great Officer of State, if applicable.
- If the Kingdom Royal Notable is unable to run the competition for their successor, the Crown, in consultation with the appropriate Great Officer of State, shall designate a proxy to run the competition.
- Competitions will be announced on the Kingdom Announcements List and in the Kingdom Newsletter’s or its’ electronic supplement at least twice before the event where the competition takes place.
- The current Kingdom Royal Notable, in conjunction with the Crown and appropriate Great Officer of State shall set the details of the competition and judging standards.
Judges should be drawn from the following:
- The Crown or their proxy.
- The Heirs or their proxy.
- The appropriate Great Officer of State or their proxy.
- The current Royal Notable.
Other Notes:
- Additional judges may be chosen at the discretion of the Royal Notable.
- It is recommended that there are at least three judges.
- The Kingdom Royal Notable shall be chosen by the Crown.
- Kingdom Royal Notables must be citizens of the Kingdom of Atlantia.