Adair of Makyswell

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Mistress Adair of Makyswell.
Resides: Barony of Hawkwood, Canton of Stormwall, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry
Mistress Adair of Makyswell


Greetings! I am Mistress Adair of Makyswell

Adair: A (as in 'Ah') dair (as in 'dare').
: of (as in 'of')
: Makyswell (as in 'max') well (as in well)


Mistress Adair of Makyswell, OP joined the SCA on 12/10/2007 in the Kingdom of Trimaris, Shire of Sea Marsh. She currently lives in the Kingdom of Atlantia, Barony of Hawkwood, Canton of Stormwall and has been an active member for the past ten and a half years since her move from the Kingdom of Trimaris. She was instrumental in the development of the Canton of Stormwall which encompasses Western North Carolina, Sylva, Waynesville, Franklin, Cherokee, Murphy and many other counties and spent four tireless years in its development. Adair was belted as an Apprentice to Haelfdige(Mistress) Annora Hall and the contract was agreed upon and executed on 9/18/2019 at Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday- "Panem et Circenses" with much celebration and food. When asked why she did not look to a Needlework Laurel to apprentice to, her response was, Haelfdige (Mistress) Annora Hall is not only a skilled Needleworker but what better Laurel could one look to than a food Laurel. Food -glorious food. Her Laurel can make cheese like no one you have ever met. She also has the same dedication to the Society as Adair does as they are both committed to Service and to the Arts. They are a perfect blend.

Adair's passion is the art of Bead Embroidery and the art of the pearl, specifically in the Period of 1550 to 1690 and centrally located in the Country of England. In the mundane world she is well known as an Advanced Bead Embroiderer and her current love is reproducing historic representations of beaded garb and jewelry. Her newest love is Goldwork and silk thread Embroidery, and is currently learning to sew historical garments.

Adair's service to the Kingdom has been to serve as the First Needlework Deputy for the Kingdom MOAS, a Regional Exchequer(accountant) for Western North Carolina and Maryland and she has recently been elevated to a Great Officer as Kingdom of Atlantia Emergency Deputy to the Kingdom Exchequer. She was elevated to Peerage at the Kingdom of Atlantia, Twelfth Night in Yadkinsville as a member of the Order of the Pelican for her service to the Kingdom. She is a teacher and artisan and she currently serves as the Principal to the Order of the Pearl (Arts & Sciences Grant level). When not performing those duties, she is a bottle washer, Waterbearer, Gate, and currently a timid Illuminator.

Adair enjoys being a Exchequer, serving as Troll 1 for the Kingdom Gate, promoting the Arts and Sciences in the SCAand research, and she tends to find new rabbit holes at the turning of a corner. At events, you can always find her at the Gate or the Arts and Science displays!

In mundane life, she work as an accountant (imagine that). I am a consumate Bead Embroideror, Bead weaver and Chainmaille artist. I worked for over twenty years in quilting to include stain-glass quilting and applique which gave me a wonderful experience in technique for Bead Embroidery and Swabian applique ;-).

Adair was an Apprentice to Haelfdige Annora Hall (Kathy Alma). On 1/13/2024 I was elevated to the Order of the Pelican and swore fealty to the Crown. I reiterated that I will still keep and ongoing friendship through the Crown with Haelfdige Annora Hall while I seek to obtain my Laurel. I am no longer an Apprentice but I am in a relationship to further my track to Laurel.


Persona: Adair of Makyswell is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, Earl of Nithsdale and Lord in Dumphries, Scotland. Robert was made Earl of Nithsdale in 1620, when John Maxwell his brother was a part of the restoration of Mary Queen of Scots. It was common for their family to share their time between England and Scotland. It is common to see Adair in the tartans of Clan Maxwell. She was betrothed to James Johnstone which was broken when the Battle of Dryre Sands began. She was finally wed to the 2nd Son of John Douglas. Her duties were management of the household, preparation of feast, embroidery, weaving and healing. In today's times - Adair is a voting member in Clan Maxwell of the United States and attends to serve the Clan at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games every July. She is also a McMahon, O'Guinn, Scott, Graham, Gunn and Stewart. ( Side note- when I requested the name of Adaira inghean Makyswell, it was deemed that Adaira was not appropriate as a given name even though she had seen this used in earlier history. On 7/1/2016 she was awarded the name of Adair which is also a small offshoot of the Maxwell Clan- Clan Adair). Adair enjoys traveling throughout the lands of Clan Maxwell and Douglas as well as visiting with her extended family over-seas which was required as her father was a Lord and devout Catholic. She enjoyed wearing the garments of the lands she visited so her likes will run from English, French, Italian and German with a easy use of Viking as her family does descend from the Danes.

The rest is ever evolving by a new venture into the Danes and Viking wear.


Per chevron inverted embattled argent and azure, a sheaf of three needles and two swans respectant counter-changed.
Kingdom of Atlantia- (Heraldic will in place).

Research Interests

Glass Bead Construction Research and History As a member of the Society of Bead Researchers, a world wide organization of researchers dedicated to the history of the Bead, I am currently researching 14th Century pressed glass/crystal beads produced in Bavaria now the Czech Republic. After observing several portraits from the 14th Century and viewing "Bicones" pressed glass, I have been working and reviewing other research work from the period for portrait re-creation.

Beadweaving in the 14th and 15th Century Many are aware of my fascination with Aumoniere (Alms) bags, but a new fascination developed when I stumbled upon a Exhibit presentation at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England. Right Angle Weave bags used to carry money in imaginative designs. I have one currently in development and looking forward to sharing this experience with Jen Funk Segrest the owner of Medieval who recently purchased a 15th Century beadwoven bag from an auction in England. There were seveal of us present for the unveiling (opening) of the box on its arrival.


Office Jurisdiction Date Held
Exchequer-Warrant Issued Kingdom of Atlantia October 28 2015 - April 2019
Webminister Barony of the Sacred Stone July 2018 - current
Webminister Canton of Middlegate October 2018 - current
Webminister Kingdom Exchequer (Atlantia) November 2019 - current
Deputy Chronicler Barony of the Sacred Stone January 2024 - current
Webminister Kingdom of Atlantia College of Heralds April 2024 - current

Positions & Event Staff

Position Jurisdiction Date Held
Baronial Beekeeper Barony of the Sacred Stone June 2018 - current
Event Staff Position Date Group
Southern Atlantia Archery Day Webminister 2017 Barony of the Sacred Stone
War of the Wings XII Cartographer 2017 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Return to Crecy Webminister 2018 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Gardens of Thyme Webminister 2018 Canton of Crois Brigte
Atlantian 12th Night Webminister 2019 Atlantia
Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium Webminister 2019 Known World
Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday 2019 Webminister 2019 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Southern Atlantia Archery Day Webminister 2020 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Mists of Atlantia: Gawain & the Green Knight Webminister 2020 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday 2021 Webminister 2021 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Gardens of Thyme & Oakwood Webminister 2022 Canton of Middlegate
Below the Salt Webminister 2022 Barony of the Sacred Stone
In a Phoenix Eye Webminister 2023 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday 2023 Webminister 2023 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday 2024 Webminister 2024 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Ice Castles & Baronial Investiture Content Coordinator 2025 Barony of Black Diamond
Royal Archery Tournament Webminister 2025 Barony of the Sacred Stone
Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday 2025 Deputy Autocrat and Webminister 2025 Barony of the Sacred Stone

Projects & Publications


Group Project Description
Canton of Crois Brigte Webminister construction and maintenance of website
Castle Elchenburg Website Cartographer creation of maps for website and for use at events
Barony of the Sacred Stone Webminister construction and maintenance of website
Canton of Middlegate Webminister construction and maintenance of website
My Journey With Orchids Research and Documentation Growing orchids as well as research into the history and evolution of Orchids

Arts & Sciences Entries

Event Year Project Description Outcome
War of the Wings 2017 Science Faire Entry on a Brief History of Beekeeping Won
Tournament of Ymir 2018 Cheese Competition Entries of Sweet Strawberry & Rosewater Labneh Kabiss" and Labneh Kabiss Won
Trial by Fire 2018 Dessert Entry Fine Cakes Won
Tournament of Ymir 2022 Dessert Entry Ka'ak: a Middle Eastern cookie, made three ways
Tournament of Ymir 2023 Kingdom Royal Baker Competition Maid of Honour Tarts and Pandemaine with Rosemary & Garlic
Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday 2024 Azza's Aviary Artist's Interpretation of the Barony of the Sacred Stone's Arms Won

Classes Taught

Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium August 25, 2018

  • Beekeeping


Awards and Achievements

Award Date Award Name Event Bestowed By
23 September 2017 Award of Arms (Atlantia) Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday and Investiture (Atlantia) Cuán VII and Signy I
23 September 2017 Award of the Fountain (Atlantia) Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday and Investiture (Atlantia) Cuán VII and Signy I
6 June 2020 Award of the Flame of the Phoenix (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone) SAAD - Oh, For Cog's Sake - VIRTUAL EVENT (Crois Brigte) Murienne
19 September 2020 Companion of the Sacred Stone (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone) VIRTUAL Event: Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday (Sacred Stone) Murienne
27 February 2021 Baronial Award of Excellence (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone) VIRTUAL: Ymir - The Giant Sleeps (Windmaster's Hill) Alain and Azza
27 February 2021 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia) VIRTUAL: Ymir - The Giant Sleeps (Windmaster's Hill) Anton V & Luned IV

Order of Precedence Listing

Arts & Sciences Entry Photos
