Sumptuary Laws

From Atlantia
Revision as of 04:05, 17 June 2023 by Melchior (talk | contribs)
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Atlantia does not, traditionally, adhere to sumptuary laws beyond those of the Society as a whole. For example, while Peerage regalia is reserved for those with those particular Peerages - circlet height is not restricted to a specific inch. For information on other Atlantian traditions, see the Traditions page.


  • White: This is 'reserved' for members of the Chivalry
  • Red: This is 'traditional' for squires
  • Yellow: This is 'traditional' for proteges
  • Green: This is 'traditional' for aprentices


  • White: This is 'reserved' for members of the Order of Defence
  • Red: This is 'traditional' for students of a MoD