Rosewolf Haven

From Atlantia
Revision as of 13:28, 18 September 2019 by Elizabeth of Rosewood (talk | contribs)
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Rosewolf Haven

On a wolf's head cabossed argent a rose proper.


Rosewolf Haven is a service and hospitality household and was chartered in June 2018 by Dame Elizabeth of Rosewood.

Charter Members:


Rosewolf Haven's purpose is to meet the needs of the Crown and populace of Atlantia, as well as any visiting gentles, Baronies, or Kingdoms in service, and to show hospitality to all.

Family Members

Extended Family

The household shares friendships with other people who share our house's hospitality.


  • Household badge approved - June 2019
  • Household chartered - June 2019
  • First household camp (War of the Wings) - October 2018
