User:Otto von Schwyz

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Revision as of 12:59, 5 October 2022 by Otto von Schwyz (talk | contribs) (Awards and Achievements)
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(AKA Tim White)


Miester Otto von Schwyz
Resides: Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Registered Arms of Otto von Schwyz


I am Miester Otto von Schwyz. I reside in the Barony of Sacred Stone, in the Kingdom of Atlantia.


    15th century Swiss German Mercenary currently wandering the coastal lands of modern-day Italy.  Been active in the SCA since 1986 and a founding member of the Shire of Crannog Mor.
    Born in the late 1400's in a small canton call Schwyz, Switzerland.  As the middle son of a business owner, I would not see much, if any, of the family money.  When I was 16, I started my career as a mercenary and hired hand.
    Traveling south to the Italian states, I became a member of the kitchen staff with the de' Medici family in Florence.  During this time, I learned how to cook and serve.  After the deaths of my benefactors, one of the family was left, Catherine, their youngest daughter.  It was then that I met Cardinal Giulio de' Medici, who came to Florence to take over the local government and the family.  By the 1520's I was one of a few personal servants to the Cardinal, who became Pope Clement VII.
    Being from Switzerland and with some combat experience I became a member of the Swiss Guard.  Learned what it was to be a member of the Guard.  Studied swordsmanship, how to use a pike, and what was expected in me when the Pope was traveling.  All of this came to the test on May 6, 1527, when the Emperor Charles V sacked Rome.  147 Swiss Guards died alongside then-commander Kaspar Roist, while 42 were saved with Clement Vll in Castle San Angelo.
    It has been about two dozen years sense I have left my home with little word on the condition of my family.  After that bloody day in May, I have pledged my life to protect what is left of the Guard and to Church.

Offices & Positions


  • 2022 – present Barony of Sacred Stone (Atlantia); Seneschal


  • 2017 – 2022 Kingdom of Atlantia; Kingdom Historian
  • 2017 – 2019 Society for Creative Anachronism; Society Chronicler
  • 2016 – 2017 Kingdom of Atlantia; Kingdom Chronicler
  • 2007 – 2010 Kingdom of Atlantia; Deputy Chronicler
  • 2006 – 2007 Kingdom of Atlantia; Deputy Web Minister (Exchequer)
  • 2002 – 2006 Canton of Aire Faucon (Atlantia); Exchequer
  • 2001 – 2004 Shire of Hindscroft (Atlantia); Web Minister
  • 2001 – 2002 Barony of Sacred Stone (Atlantia); Chronicler
  • 1989 – 1992 Shire of Hindscroft (Atlantia); MoAS
  • 1987 – 1988 Shire of Crannog Mor (Atlantia); MoAS
  • 1987 – 1988 Shire of Crannog Mor (Atlantia); Deputy Seneschal


  • Azure ermined argent, a panther rampant guardant contourny between flaunches argent.

Awards and Achievements

Order of Precedence entry

  • 8/8/2022 Augmentation of Arms (Atlantia) Pennsic War XLIX (Æthelmearc) Cuan IX and Adelhait III
  • 6/18/2022 Master of the Pelican (Atlantia) Below the Salt - Elchenburg Market Faire (Sacred Stone) Cuan IX and Adelhait III
  • 11/9/2019 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia) Buckston Birthday (Buckston-on-Eno) Cuán VIII and Signy II
  • 5/13/2017 Award of the Hurt (Atlantia) (Windmasters' Hill) Return to Camelot-An Arthurian Deed (Raven's Cove) Daemon and Typhaine
  • 10/7/2017 Award of the Fountain (Atlantia) Fall Coronation 2017 (Border Vale Keep) Cuán VII and Signy I
  • 8/9/2016 Award of the Flame of the Phoenix (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone) Pennsic War XLV (Æthelmearc) Marc and Alianor
  • 2/3/2007 Companion of the Golden Dolphin (Atlantia) Winter University (Baelfire Dunn) Ragnarr III and Anneke I
  • 6/12/2004 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia) Wastelands (Middlegate) Cuán V and Pádraigín II
  • 6/13/2004 Companion of the Yeoman of the Sacred Stone (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone) Wastelands (Middlegate) Kisaiya
  • 3/23/1991 Award of Arms (Atlantia) Sacred Stone Baronial Investiture (Sacred Stone) Olaf IV and Aislinn III

Nominated for a William Blackfox award:

  • Best Special Issue- The Phoenix, Barony of Sacred Stone (Atlantia), Chronicler: Lord Otto von Schwyz; 2002
  • Best Article - Aire Currents, Canton of Aire Faucon, Lord Otto von Schwyz; 2005

Classes Taught

  • “How do Design a Menu for a Feast”
    *University 53 – Barony of Border Vale Keep
    *University 54 – Shire of Crannog Mor
  • “How to keep your Feast at or under Budget”
    *University 53 – Barony of Border Vale Keep
    *University 54 – Shire of Crannog Mor
  • “History of Atlantia”
    *University 97 – Barony of Black Diamond