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| Contributor and Editor || Atlantian Great Book of Law || 2020 - present
| Contributor and Editor || Atlantian Great Book of Law || 2020 - present
| Publications | War of the Wings | 2021 - present

Revision as of 06:17, 6 March 2021


Resides: Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry


Lady Gwenhwyfar Weale She/Her is the current Herald for the canton of Elvegast. Her persona is that of a 12th century baker, alchemist, and literati in Norman controlled Wales. Gwen's home canton is Elvegast, having played there since officially joining the SCA in January of 2018. She is currently apprenticed to GoodWife s Michel Almond de Champagn.


Title Jurisdiction Date Held
Herald Barony of Windmasters' Hill May 2018 - April 2019
Herald Canton of Elvegast May 2018 - Present
Ibis Herald Kingdom of Atlantia January 2020 - May 2020
Royal Baker Kingdom of Atlantia March 2020 - Present

Kingdom Level Projects

Function Project Date
Contributor and Editor Kingdom Ministers of Arts and Sciences Handbook 2019 - present
Contributor and Editor Atlantian Great Book of Law 2020 - present
War of the Wings | 2021 - present


Award Notes Date
Award of the Eurus Given for a single noteworthy effort of service for or to the Barony. [Ymir 2018]
Award of Arms Granted the title Lady Gwenhwyfar Weale [Ruby Joust 2018]
Order of the Boreas Granted for Excellence in Arts & Sciences [Buckston Birthday 2018]
Order of the Coral Branch Recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves in their effort in arts and sciences [Journey through the Nine Realms 2019]
Companion of the Opal The Order of the Opal honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their service to Atlantia [Kingdom Arts and Sciences 2020]


Group Notes
The Order of the Peel: The Bakers of Windmasters' Hill [Guild Co-Founder]
The Chancery of Windmasters' Hill [Guild Member]
House of the Wounded Mushroom [Member]
Atelier du Champagne [Member]

Events Hosted

Event Notes Date
Hosted Kingdom Brew Day Rotating Guild Event Bakers & Brewers 2019

Classes Taught at Canton Level

Class Title Canton Date
Baking 101 Elvegast April 2018
Monsters of the Middle Ages: Bewoulf and Beyond Elvegast June 2018
Monsters of the Middle Ages: Bewoulf and Beyond Buckston-on-Eno June 2018
Introduction to the Icelandic Sagas Elvegast September 2018
The Mabinogion Elvegast March 2019
The Mabinogion Buckston-on-Eno April 2019
Introduction to the Prose and Poetic Eddas Elvegast September 2019
“Yet Forget Not, That I Am An Ass.”:How to Conduct Accurate and Ethical Documentation Research Elvegast December 2019

Classes Taught at Baronial Events

Class Title Event Date
Bread Baking 101 Gardens of Thyme Harvest Table August 2018
Introduction to Beowulf: A Workshop Defending the Gate 2019

Classes Taught at Kingdom Events

Class Title Event Date
Introduction to the Icelandic Sagas War of the Wings October 2018
Introduction to Beowulf War of the Wings October 2018
Cosmology for the Norse Persona War of the Wings October 2019

Classes Taught at University Atlantia

Class Title Session
Monsters of the Middle Ages 1: Beowulf and Beyond Session 99
The Madmen, Mystics, and Monsters of the Icelandic Sagas Session 100
Savaging the Heart: A Beowulf Primer Session 100
The Icelandic Sagas: A Focus on Njala Saga Session 100
How to Hang a Mouse - An Introduction to the Mabinogion Session 101
Introduction to the Icelandic Sagas: A focus on Njala Saga and Egil's Saga Session 101
What Was Grendel Thinking: A Two Hour Beowulf Workshop Session 101
How to Hang a Mouse - An Introduction to the Mabinogion Session 102
Introduction to Norse Mythology: The Eddas Session 102
“Yet Forget Not, That I Am An Ass.”:How to Conduct Accurate and Ethical Documentation Research Session 103
“Yet Forget Not, That I Am An Ass.”:How to Conduct Accurate and Ethical Documentation Research (Workshop) Session 103
“Yet Forget Not, That I Am An Ass.”:How to Conduct Accurate and Ethical Documentation Research Session 104
Introduction to the Icelandic Sagas Session 104
Beowulf Basics Session 104


Lady Gwenhwyfar Weale's early life was one spent as the daughter of a Welsh Lord. As such, she received a considerable education, as her curiosity knows no end. Drawn to both alchemical research and literary pursuits, she conducted a salon in her father's home. He allowed this once it became clear to him that it was less expensive to indulge her scholarly pursuits than to continue to allow her to maim, maul, and otherwise ruin any and all sewing projects. (She was once the talk of the household as she absentmindedly once stitched herself to a project, having to be cut free in order to go about her day.)

When the home-bound salons became less than satisfying, she in turn apprenticed herself to the great skalds and storytellers of the Norse, the bards of the Welsh, and the troubadours of the English. At one point, she took some time off from her literary studies and apprenticed herself to both a master baker and an alchemist - seeing little difference between the studies of the two, other than the correct application of heavy metals and poisons (not in food, obviously). Even after this, she continued traveling widly, and some might admit wildly, she collected the stories of all she came in contact with, trading her baked goods for their tales.

Having accumulated a sufficient amount of knowledge, she returned home to Wales and began to teach all that she had learned and would learn to any who would listen and many who, admittedly, would rather not. After a time, she met the Notable Owain Weale, and immediately set about arranging to attach herself to them permanently as they made the finest ale in the land. The populace glad attended their glorious union as it was, and is, currently impossible for Gwenhwyfar to rant about literature while simultaneously drinking. Currently, she makes her home with Owain, who diligently suffers her hunger for knowledge for she gladly feeds that of their stomach.
