Sonya Flicker

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Sonya Flicker called Patches
Resides: Barony of Storvik
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Per fess vert and purpure, a fess dancetty and in base four double-pointed knitting needles fretted in saltire argent.


Sonya Flicker, called Patches, currently resides within the Barony of Storvik in the Kingdom of Atlantia. She started playing in the SCA in 1991, but wasn't very active until around 2007. Her primary interests are dancing and knitting.


Patches' main personna is a generic Viking, sometimes she is also a German lady.

Offices & Positions

Social Media Storvik Started May 2019
Deputy Exchequer Storvik Jan 2010 - Dec 2010
Chatelaine Storvik Jan 2016 - Dec 2021

Society Level Leadership

Dean of European Dance - Pennsic 51 (July/August 2024)
I was the head of European Dance for Pennsic 51. I had core staff of 8 assisting me. Together we accomplished the following:

Classes: We had 139 hours of scheduled activities in the European dance tent. This included

  • 77 classes for 92.5 hours
  • 9 Balls for additional 24.5 hours
  • 2 related classes for 4 additional hours (running a dance pit and practice for the choral ball)
  • 12 yoga classes for 18 hours
  • 3 classes in the Middle Eastern tent
  • For the hours of 9-5, only 15 hours were not scheduled

Instructors: We had 24 instructors. Through my outreach, I encouraged 7 to teach for the first time at Pennsic (almost 1/3).

NEW COMMITTEE Ball Selection Committee: Helped coordinate a new committee to select the balls. This was well received. In the past, there have been communication issues with scheduling the balls. By having a committee and established deadlines, we reduced the communication issues from the past. The committee was chaired by Lady Mirabella Wamsley (Melinda Gretsinger).

NEW PROGRAM A program to match instructors with musicians: Lead by Jolicia atte Northclyfe. Also, successful. We matched 8 classes with musicians. The musicians were very positive about the program. We had 3 musicians participate. We were hindered by the late roll out of Thing 2. We couldn’t have musicians sign up for helping before the schedule was final and that was pretty late. Hopefully the scheduling system will be up earlier and we can get musicians scheduled better.

NEW TOOL A tool for gender neutral calling in the form of sashes. Successful. It wasn’t used as much as I would have liked, but it was an additional tool for those that wanted it. I did see the sashes get used and I heard others use different ways to call the dances in a gender neutral manner.

Created social media for European dance. This included creating graphics for the balls and announcements. Coordinated with the social media officer for Pennsic to enable our posts to have a greater reach.

Deputy Dean of European Dance - Pennsic 50 (July/August 2023)
I assisted Master Gregory Blount, the Dean of European Dance, in many areas including the following.

Coordinated painting 8 new floor boards. This included attending the 2023 Aethelmarc War Practice to prep the boards. Then painting them at Pennsic.

Created social media for European dance. This included creating graphics for the balls and announcements. Coordinated with the social media officer for Pennsic to enable our posts to have a greater reach.

I assisted with the day to day operations of the dance tent. I helped with prep prior to Pennsic.

Events Staffed

Event Position Date
Society Level
2024 Pennsic War Dean of European Dance July/Aug 2024
2024 Known World Dance and Music Symposium Head of Social Media July 2024
2023 Pennsic War Deputy Dean of European Dance July/Aug 2023
2017 Known World Dance and Music Symposium Event Steward June 2017
2017 Atlantia Fall Coronation Newcomer Point Oct 2017
Kingdom Level
2023 Atlantia Spring Coronation Social Media April 2023
2022 Highland Havoc MIC Archery Nov 2022
Baronial Level
2024 Storvik Novice and Unbelt Tournament Social Media April 2024
2023 Battle on the Bay Event Steward Aug 2023
2023 Storvik Novice and Unbelt Tournament Social Media June 2023
2019 Storvik Novice and Unbelt Tournament Event Steward June 2019
2018 Storvik Novice and Unbelt Tournament Newcomer Point June 2018
2018 Battle on the Bay Newcomer Point Sept 2018
2017 Storvik Novice and Unbelt Tournament Newcomer Point June 2017
2016 Battle on the Bay Event Steward Sept 2016
2015 Storvik Song and Dance Event Steward Jan 2015

Classes Taught

Dance Classes Location Date
English Country: Step Stately Pennsic University Pennsic 51 (August 3, 2024)
English Country: St. Martins & Parsons Farewell Pennsic University Pennsic 51 (August 4, 2024)
English Revel Pennsic University Pennsic 51 (August 4, 2024)
Dances for Tonight's English Revel Pennsic University Pennsic 51 (August 4, 2024)
Coordinating European Dance Across the SCA. University of Atlantia Session 114 (Sept 2023)
English Country Dance University of Atlantia Session 111 (Sept 2022)
Easy 15th Century Italian Dances University of Atlantia June 2021
Bransles for One (or More) University of Atlantia Sept 2020
Dancing with Yourself University of Atlantia June 2020
Dancing with Yourself Online Class Approx. 2x a month since March 2020
One Dance a Week Storvik weekly Dance Practice Weekly since approx 2007 to March 2020
Reduction Ball Pennsic University Pennsic XLVIII (2019)
Intermediate English Country Dances: Step Stately University of Atlantia Session 97 (Sept 2017)
Advanced English Country Dances University of Atlantia Session 94 (Sept 2016)
Bransles University of Atlantia Session 89 (Feb 2015)
Playford Ball Pennsic University Pennsic XLIII (2014)
Beginners' Ball Pennsic University Pennsic XXXVIII to XLII (2009 to 2013)
Beginning Italian 15th Century Dance University of Atlantia Session 74 (Feb 2009)
Bransles University of Atlantia Session 74 (Feb 2009)
Bransles University of Atlantia Session 73 (Oct 2008)
Beginning Italian 15th Century Dance University of Atlantia Session 73 (Oct 2008)
English Country Dance University of Atlantia Session 72 (Feb 2008)
Dance Class at Science Fiction Conventions Balticon, Evecon, Castlecon, Darkover, Chessiecon Several times a year since 1998
Knitting Classes Location Date
Knitting Solar 2023 Atlantia Spring Coronation 2023
Series of Color Work At personal home 2018
Series of Knitted Socks At personal home 2008


Period Knitted Items Produced

Garters, Current
Creating simple garters as thank you for my Dolphin Scroll and as largess for Storvik.

Sion Pouch, 2019
This is a recreation of a multi colored pouch from Richard Rutt's book A History of Hand Knitting. There are 5 pouches that Rutt discusses. This pouch is the first one.

Largess Pouches, 2018
Created 3 multicolored pouches for Storvik largess.

Pouch for Queens of Atlantia, 2014
There was a call to honor current and past Queens of Atlantia with knitted pouches. I created a design with a Spike and the blue and white waves.

Plantation Stockings, 2008
There was a call from the Plymouth Plantation in Boston for knit stockings for their reenactors in 2008. I followed their pattern. Even though the time period is outside of the SCA period, the pattern is similar to what would have been worn in period.


  • Pennsic August 2018, Displayed Sion Pouch 1 (in progress), 1 queen's pouch, stockings
  • Atlantia Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival, March 3 2018, Displayed 3 socks, 2 pouches, 1 queen's pouch, stockings

Awards and Achievements

Date Award Event Bestowed By
4/1/2023 Shield of Storvik (Atlantia) (Storvik) Spring Coronation 2023 (Storvik) John and Graçia
4/1/2023 Companion of the Pearl (Atlantia) Spring Coronation 2023 (Storvik) Abran I & Anya I
8/8/2022 Augmentation of Arms (Atlantia) Pennsic War XLIX (Æthelmearc) Cuan IX and Adelhait III
7/9/2022 Baron's Award of Excellence (Atlantia) (Storvik) Storvik Novice and Unbelt Tournament (Storvik) John and Graçia
9/7/2019 Baroness' Award of Courtesy (Atlantia) (Storvik) Battle on the Bay in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Lochmere) Celric and Ilaria
1/19/2019 Companion of the Golden Dolphin (Atlantia) Ice Castles (Black Diamond) Ragnarr V and Lynette II
8/9/2017 Award of the Herring (Atlantia) Pennsic War XLVI (Æthelmearc) Cuán VII and Signy I
8/9/2017 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia) Pennsic War XLVI (Æthelmearc) Cuán VII and Signy I
7/9/2016 Baron's Award of Excellence (Atlantia) (Storvik) Storvik Baronial Investiture and Novice Tournament (Storvik) Badouin and Griele
1/24/2015 Companion of the Lozulet (Atlantia) (Storvik) Storvik Song and Dance (All the World's a Stage) (Storvik) Badouin and Griele
9/17/2011 Baroness' Award of Courtesy (Atlantia) (Storvik) Storvik Baronial Birthday (Storvik) William and Sorcha
9/12/2009 Companion of the Owl (Atlantia) (Storvik) Storvik Baronial Birthday (Storvik) Rorik and Janina
8/5/2009 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia) Pennsic War XXXVIII (Æthelmearc) Logan VI and Esa I


Per fess vert and purpure, a fess dancetty and in base four double-pointed knitting needles fretted in saltire argent.