Protectorate Treaty Between Nottinghill Coill and Border Vale Keep

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On February 15th, A.S. LIV, the Barony of Nottinghill Coill and the Shire of Border Vale Keep entered into a protectorate treaty. The primary intent of the treaty is to give the Baronage the right to grant awards to the populace of Border Vale Keep that are normally reserved for members of Nottinghill Coill. The scroll itself was created by:

Protectorate Treaty Between Nottinghill Coill and Border Vale Keep


Exultation and joy mark this day of fifteenth of February in Anno Societatis LIV! Good gentles as we celebrate our shared accomplishments, hearken to these words as the Baronage of Nottinghill Coill and the Shire of Border Vale Keep, desirous of inaugurating a regular régime and recognition within Border Vale Keep based upon internal order and general security, making it possible to ensure the economic development and security of the Shire, have agreed upon the following:

Article I

The Baronage of Nottinghill Coill and the Shire of Border Vale Keep have agreed to establish in Border Vale Keep a régime admitting of the administrative, juridical, educational, economic, financial and military to support the Kingdom of Atlantia in all matters. This régime shall safeguard the respect and traditional prestige of their Seneschal and Officers which shall not be infringed by the Baronage of Nottinghill Coill. The Baronage of Nottinghill Coill will provide protection to the Shire as needed from neighboring states and will come to an understanding with these neighboring states regarding the interests which these states possess in virtue of their geographical position and territorial possessions. In like manner, the Canton of Ritterwald shall retain the distinctive characteristics for which they have been known, regardless of their close geographic nature with the Shire, and which will determine their own organization.

Article II

The Seneschal and Officers of Border Vale Keep consent that henceforth Nottinghill Coill, after They shall have notified the Shire, may proceed to send troops through Border Vale Keep territory as They might deem necessary for the security of Their southern border and in defense of the Shire itself. These troops may move on land and within Border Vale Keep waters.

Article III

The Baronage of Nottinghill Coill pledges Themselves to lend constant support to the Seneschal and Officers of Border Vale Keep against all dangers which might threaten their persons, or endanger the tranquility of the Shire. The same support shall be given to the successors of these Offices.

Article IV

Such measures as the régime of the Shire may require shall be edicted by the Seneschal of Border Vale Keep or the authorities to whom he may have delegated his power. The same process shall be observed in the matter of new regulations and of modifications to the existing regulations.

Article V

The diplomatic and consular agents of Nottinghill Coill shall be charged with the recognition and protection of Border Vale Keep subjects and interests. To this end, the Baronage of Nottinghill Coill may extend honors normally reserved for Their own subjects to residents of the Shire. The Seneschal of Border Vale Keep pledges themself not to conclude any act of an interkingdom nature without discussing the matter with Nottinghill Coill, thus maintaining the security of Nottinghill Coill’s southern border.

Article VI

The Baronage of Nottinghill Coill and the Seneschal and Officers of Border Vale Keep reserve unto themselves to determine by mutual agreement the bases for a financial organization which, while respecting the rights conferred upon landholders of Border Vale Keep, shall make it possible to guarantee the engagements of Border Vale Keep treasury.

Article VII

This agreement does not infringe upon the rights of the Kingdom of Atlantia and Their Majesties to issue dictates upon the Baronage of Nottinghill Coill or the Shire of Border Vale Keep. Both states are subordinate to the will of the Crown and Atlantian Kingdom Law.


  • Baron Elphin ap Dafyd - Baron of Nottinghill Coill
  • Baroness Delia Flammen - Baroness of Nottinghill Coill
  • Baron Sven Olafssen - Seneschal of Border Vale Keep