Codex Atlantia, Axel of Taavistia

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Axel of Taavistia
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry
Poetic Style: Rhyming Couplets in Trochaic Meter

Sable, a bend sinister argent surmounted by a dove descending, maintaining in its beak an arrow fesswise reversed counterchanged.

Sir Axel gave me my very first award in the SCA, at my very first event. I met him years early at ConCaronlinas and, well, Axel makes an impression. I have never met a better advocate. While I was brand new, he encouraged me to find the poems in my heart. He is one of my strongest inspirations and I miss him.

Axel of Taavistia

Axel of Taavistia, bold and true,
Rode through the lands where the winds once blew.
Armored in silver, his sword held high,
He dared the dark forests, where shadows lie.

Born of the mountains, his heart was strong,
He sang to the skies, a brave warrior’s song.
His steed, a stallion as black as night,
Galloped through valleys with endless might.

In battles fierce, he stood like stone,
Facing his foes, he was never alone.
A banner of azure waved in the air,
With the sigil of Atlantia, none could compare.

From tower to keep, his legend grew tall,
Axel, the hero, who answered the call.
Through fire and storm, through cold and rain,
His courage endured, untouched by pain.

With honor he fought, with wisdom he led,
And tales of his deeds were humbly spread.
Now when the moon over Atlantia gleams,
They speak of the knight and his valorous dreams.

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