Codex Atlantia, Anton Tremayne

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Anton Tremayne
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry
Poetic Style: Rondo

Checky argent and sable, a coronet and on a chief embattled Or, three crosses Latin bottony gules.

Anton elevated me to the Order of the Pelican. He has shown me how to be a peer and the importance of friendship.

Anton Tremayne

O Duke, whose sword doth gleam so bright,
In battle’s din, thy name is sung,
A knight of honor, valiant knight,
Where shields are clashed and hearts are wrung.
Thy squires, bold, from thee have sprung,
To serve with faith in duty’s light,
O Duke, whose sword doth gleam so bright,
In battle’s din, thy name is sung.
Thy wisdom flows, a river’s might,
Through courts where learned tongues are strung,
Thy lady fair, thy soul’s delight,
Beside thee, where true love is young.
O Duke, whose sword doth gleam so bright,
In battle’s din, thy name is sung.

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