Rüdiger der Burgenfaust

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Rudiger der Burgunfaust
Resides: Formerly An Dubhagein
Status: Active, currently in Atlantia
Awards: Visit the Order of Precedence to access a list of this person's awards.
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Heraldry Needed


When Rudiger was 16, he discovered the SCA at a demo in his hometown. Three years later, a friend, who was a squire of the local baron, got him started in the society. That was 24 years ago. Modern life has recently moved him to the Kingdom of Atlantia, but he is still closely tied to the East.


Rudiger is a 5th Century Germanic warrior from Burgundy on the Rhine, during the time when Attila the Hun conquered most of Europe.

Households and Affiliations

  • Former Unofficial General Manager for Surtr's Brood
  • Current Heavy Champion, Stierbach

Projects & Interests

  • Fighting

In Case of Court

Rudiger prefer surprises for most things, but ICOP a Writ would make him more comfortable. Lady Esa of Atlantia knows when and where to find him.