Héloise de Bruyères

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Héloise de Bruyères
Resides: Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry
Purpure, a goat rampant Or and in chief three fleurs-de-lys argent


Lady Héloise de Bruyères has been a member of the populace of the Kingdom of Atlantia since A.S. XLIX (Anno Societatis 49 or 2014 C.E.)

She dabbles in many disciplines including archery, brewing, music, cheese and soapmaking. She is best known as a principal member of the Knowne World Courtesans, a free confederation of SCAdians whose primary focus is historical sex work in period. Her current interests include historical cosmetics & haircare, as well as constructing transitional/late period garb from the Savoy region and surrounding area.


Lady Héloise, often called Ellie by her friends, was born in the summer of 1474 at the Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard on Lac d'Annecy while as her parents were attending the Duke and his family, visiting the castle each summer on their way back to Chambéry following months of travel across the duchy to collect their yearly taxes and tributes from the other great houses of Savoy.

Her father was a merchant who was granted lands and titles after helping the Duke of Savoy re-secure the Col du Petit Saint-Bernard after negotiations with representatives from the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick III.

Her parents, particularly had mother, had grand plans to wed Ellie to one of the sons of the Duke. At one point early in her childhood, there was even talk of a betrothal to Charles, the son of Charlotte of Savoy and King Louis. In time, Ellie was promised to Duke Philip II's younger brother, François.


In the summer of Ellie's 15th birthday, she was horseback riding at Château Monfort with her friend Anne when they happened upon a handsome boy of 17 who said his name was René and that he was the son of the Duke.

Ellie laughed at the boy and told him that her father was a close friend of the Duke and that she had grown up with his children, Louise and Philibert, and was even permitted to look after baby Charles on occasion. René held firm, insisting he was the Duke's son, but that the Duke's wife Lady Margaret (Deux se gard) was not his mother. He claimed his mother was a courtesan named Libera.

That day, Ellie and René began affair, whom she later learned was nicknamed the Grand Bastard of Savoy. The relationship came to light once it was discovered that Ellie was pregnant. Her betrothal to François was called off and René was sent south to the city of Tende by the Duke.

Veronese Nunnery

Ellie was sent to her mother's sister's family in Verona. The idea was for her to give birth at the nunnery of St. Ambrose, then become a nun. However, she lost the child not long after arriving in Verona, and was told she would never bear children again.

The nuns wanted her to work for her meals but being gently raised — i.e. without knowledge of how to run a proper household or do an honest day's work, not to mention being "spoiled goods" — put her in touch with an "abbess" whose clients were big names among the condottieri and the church.

Magdalene Home

As a "lightly used" teenager, Ellie was the prize of the Magdalene home known as the "Abbaye des abeilles," or the Abbey of the Honeybees.

Already literate and fluent in French, Italian and Arpitan, she then was dressed in finery and introduced to the captains of the condottieri and men of the church whose rank was bishop or above. Ellie made many valuable contacts during her time at the abbey and once the abbess died, she took over operations and expanded the abbey's incomes to include a vineyard and a cheesemongery.

Ladies of the priory who could no longer work tended to these labors and fattened the coffers until the Abbaye des abeilles no longer needed the patronage of the church and those brutish mercenaries.

Offices & Positions


  • Minister of Arts & Sciences, Barony of Marinus, August 2019 — current


  • Deputy Chatelaine, Barony of Marinus, August 2019 — current

Projects & Publications


Purpure, a goat rampant Or and in chief three fleurs-de-lys argent

Awards and Achievements

Awards http://op.atlantia.sca.org/op_ind.php?atlantian_id=8664

  • 10/24/2015 - Award of the Capstan of Saint Marinus (Atlantia) (Marinus)
  • 5/18/2016 - Award of Arms (Atlantia)
  • 5/26/2018 - Companion of the Opal (Atlantia)
  • 3/2/2019 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia)
