Barony of Ponte Alto

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Barony of Ponte Alto
Per pale sable and Or, in pale a single-arched bridge and a laurel wreath,


*Fairfax, VA
Date founded
February 29, 1992 (AS 26)
Founding Baron/Baroness
Master Niall McKennett and Mistress Teleri Talgellawg
Current Baron/Baroness
Hákon and Hrefna
Barony of Ponte Alto

The Barony of Ponte Alto is a chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism based in the inner Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC. The Barony's official territory covers Fairfax County (except for Centreville and Chantilly), Arlington County, and the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, and Falls Church, but our activities are open to anyone who is interested.

Ponte Alto holds their yearly baronial event St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath in March.


The name "Ponte Alto" is Italian, and means "high bridge." Due to the large number of bridges over the Potomac River in the area of Arlington and Fairfax Counties in Virginia, it seemed an appropriate name. Ponte Alto began as an incipient Canton within the Barony of Storvik. Growing quicky, the Barony went from official Canton status to incipient Barony in a matter of minutes during one royal court. Ponte Alto was elevated to full Baronial status at the Investiture of Niall and Teleri, on leap day, February 29, 1992.

A Baronial history of events, awards, and champions can be found here.


Investiture Divestiture Their Excellency 1 Their Excellency 2
February 29, 1992 (AS 26) February 24, 1996 (AS 30) Niall McKennett Teleri Talgellawg
February 24, 1996 (AS 30) February 26, 2000 (AS 34) Ranulf of Waterford Caitlyn O'Duirnin
February 26, 2000 (AS 34) February 23, 2002 (AS 36) Donald MacGregor Winifred Corbet de Wynterwood
February 23, 2002 (AS 36) February 21, 2004 (AS 38) Thomas of Calais Denise Duvalier
February 21, 2004 (AS 38) February 23, 2008 (AS 42) Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli Bell Phoebe de Givet
February 23, 2008 (AS 42) October 12, 2008 (AS 43) Joorkin Volz Flora de Bayeaux
October 12, 2008 (AS 43) January 10, 2009 (AS 43) Joorkin Volz
January 10, 2009 (AS 43) January 22, 2011 (AS 45) James de Biblesworth Katharine Devereaux
January 22, 2011 (AS 45) February 20, 2016 (AS 50) Drogo Rainulf de Dragonera Adina von der Heide
February 20, 2016 (AS 50) February 16, 2019 (AS 53) Yrsa Eds dottir Cellach Mór
February 16, 2019 (AS 53) March 30, 2024 (AS 58) Naran Numuchi Marie Thérèse Normand
March 30, 2024 (AS 58) Unknown Hákon brimill Hrefna blinda

Baronial Awards & Orders

The Awards and Order of the Barony of Ponte Alto can be found on the Kingdom of Atlantia's Order of Precedence: here.


Il Tempo is the official newsletter of the Barony of Ponte Alto . Issues can be found here.