Diego de Oviedo
SCA Persona

Diego Diaz de Oviedo is the fourth son of Diego Alonso Ramirez, a prosperous merchant in 16th century Spain, region of Asturias. Upon the death of his father, Diego Diaz inherited a small interest in the merchant shipping firm left by his father to his six sons. With the lions share of company control going to Alvaro, the first child, Diego was forced to seek other means of employment and adventure.
As a constable of the city guard, life was boisterous and exciting in Oviedo but it lacked the access to the sea and the rest of the world. Returning to Gijon, where Diego's father had previously established his small fleet, he took a captaincy from his brother and plied the family trade up and down the Iberian coast. From port to port, this was the excitement Diego craved and what led to his greater wealth, experience and not a little love for most things Moorish.
Per chevron gules and sable, on a chevron between three lymphads sails set and oars in action Or, three anchors sable
Offices & Positions
- Social Media Officer (SMO), Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
- Head Retainer, Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
- Deputy Chronicler, Knights Crossing, Drachenwald
- Deputy Chatelaine, Knights Crossing, Drachenwald
- Head Retainer, Knight Crossing, Drachenwald
Projects & Publications
- Atlantia Wiki
- Barony social media presence
Awards & Achievements
Awards http://op.atlantia.sca.org
- 4/6/2019 Award of Arms (Atlantia)
- 4/6/2019 Grant of Arms (Atlantia)