Hua Meilan

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Hua Meilan
Resides: Canton of Attilium
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Purpure, a camelopard rampant Or spotted sable winged argent.


Noble Meilan resides and participates in the Canton of Attilium in the Kingdom of Atlantia.

Awards & Orders

Noble Meilan's awards can be found on their Order of Precedence.

Award/Order Date Event Bestowed by
Award of Arms (An Tir) 1/17/2009 Non-Atlantian Event Vik and Inga (An Tir)
Order of the Golden Alce (AEthelmearc) 8/8/2022 Pennsic War XLIX (AEthelmearc) Byron II & Arella II
Order of the Silver Brooch (East Kingdom) 8/8/2022 Pennsic War XLIX (AEthelmearc) Ryouko'jin of the Iron Skies I & Indrakshi I
Augmentation of Arms 8/8/2022 Pennsic War XLIX (AEthelmearc) Cuan IX and Adelhait III
Companion of the Coral Branch 10/15/2022 War of the Wings XV (Atlantia) Abran I & Anya I
Order of the Sycamore (AEthelmearc) 11/5/2022 Corn Maze (AEthelmearc) Arnthor & Ceirech
Order of the Golden Thorn (AEthelmearc) 3/17/2023 Gulf Wars (Gleann Abhann) Arnthor & Ceirech
Companion of the Sea Dragon 3/17/2023 Gulf Wars (Gleann Abhann) Abran I & Anya I

Offices and Positions

  • Deputy Webminster, AEthelmearc, 9/2022-1/2023
  • Deputy Chatelaine, Barony of Borealis, 01/2008 to 05/2010
  • Kingdom Scribe, An Tir, 01/2007 to present
  • Kingdom Scribe, Atlantia, 05/2010 to present
  • Kingdom Scribe, AEThelmearc, 12/2021-3/2023
  • Kingdom Scribe, East Kingdom, 12/2021 to present


  • Hua Meilan was registered in February of 2011 (via Atlantia).
  • Meilan's device is: Purpure, a camelopard rampant Or spotted sable winged argent. This was registered in June of 2011 (via Atlantia).

Awards and Championships

MeiLan in Kingdom Regalia at the Fayetteville Dogwood Festival Demo 2023


  • Barony of Nottinghill Coille: Rapier Champion - Current
  • King's Champion of Rapier Atlantia - Current
  • Shire of Bitterend: Arts & Sciences Champion (historical fencing) - 2009-2010

Projects and Publicastions

  • Medieval Gynecology and Midwifery, 8/2009
  • Calligraphy 101 for the Heavy Handed, 10/2010
  • Reviewing Mortality: Causes of Death in the Middle Ages and Modern Times, 8/2020
  • All that Glitters: Gilding 101, 4/2019
  • Historical Pandemic Practices Around the World, 5/2021

Classes Taught

  • Fencing 101: How Not To Break Ourselves
  • Cadels 101
  • Roast of Period Fencing Plates
  • How to Design Period Fencing Plates
  • Calligraphy 101
  • Procrate 101

Calligraphy & Illumination

MeiLan enjoys both calligraphy and illumination, and caters to the scribal needs of multiple kingdoms.