Katheryne aff Kringskiep
==== I am Katheryne aff Krings Kiep, aka Katheryne of Krings Keep, aka Katheryne the Spinner.
I presently live in the Barony of Bright Hills, (Baltimore, MD)
I suffer from multiple Persona Disorder.
I am a 12thC Noble Woman who has a small Keep in Northumbia, England.
I am also a 10thC Noble woman from Krakow, Poland, who was married to a Privateer. On our wedding night he somehow fell overboard with rocks tied to his feet. (I will miss those rocks).
I am very new to Wiki so please excuse the plain page.
I have an AOA, a Chime (service) from Barony of Carillion - East Kingdom, an Order of the Beacon (A&S) from Carillion - East Kingdom, a Bronze Tower (service) from the Barony of Settmour Swamp - East Kingdom.
I have been spinning, teaching spinning, teaching fiber prep, teaching fiber arts (several years at Pennsic), and multiple demos about spinning since Pennsic 26.
I also knit, crochet, weave, sew garb, simple embroidery, quilt, do simple bead work, make Sci-Fi costumes, and in my copious spare time I have a full time job in Glenn Burnie.
I have lived in 3 kingdoms in my life: Aethelmaerc, East, and now I am in Atlantia.
I have stopped counting how many Baronies & Shires I have been a part of.
I have: 2 kittens, 3 spinning wheels, 4 sewing machines, and too many bins full of supplies.
I am presently learning American Sign Language, and Polish.