Ciaran mac Breandain

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Resides: Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry


The Honorable Lord Ciaran mac Breandain is a court musician, researcher, and brewer residing in the canton of Elvegast. He is apprenticed to Master Olivier de Bayonne and is a student of Miester Alain ap Dafydd. Ciaran's music, teaching, and service activities have been recognized by the Barony of Windmaster’s Hill as a Companion of the Boreas, by the Kingdom of Atlantia with an Award of Arms, a Silver Nautilus, and as a Companion of the Coral Branch, and by the Kingdom of the West as a Defender of the West, and group awards as a Kingdom of the West Paragon of Merriment and the Æthelmearc Award of Excellence.

Ciaran pronounces his name as KEER-an.

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