Finnebreth Wodeward

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Lady Finnebreth
Resides: Barony of Stierbach
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Finne Breth's Registered Device


Lady Finnebreth (Finnebreth Wodeward AKA Fimbreth Riggsdatter) or Finne has been active in the SCA since 2018. She resides in the Barony of Stierbach and serves as Warden of the Forests of Atlantia and Keeper of The Forest of Stierbach. She also leads a monthly adventuring group, the Stierbach Saunterers. Finnebreth practices scribal arts with Sudentorre Scribes and also takes great interest in sewing and bushcrafting. More recently she is venturing into leatherworking and woodworking in order to improve her kit and camp. Camping events and getting folks outside together are the highlights of her SCA experience-- but really, she just wonders why she took so long to find the SCA at all.


Finnebreth is a 14th century Woodward of minor noble birth stewarding the large aforested holdings of a long absent cousin away in the war with France.

Offices & Positions




  • Holds a monthly hike and picnic, Stierbach Saunterers in various parks and forests around the Barony, guiding the populace to get out and enjoy nature in their garb and share their outdoor skills.
  • Founded and currently leads The Forest of Stierbach, teaching and facilitating folks with various outdoor survival, A and S, and martial skills to get together and teach each other what they know. The Forest is part of the Kingdom of Atlantia Royal Forestry Guild and, as such, monitors skills progression of its members with the purpose of putting their skills to the service of the Society as a whole.
  • Creates award scrolls as part of Sudentorre Scribal Scriptorium when she is able
  • Learning the arts of retaining and voice heraldry

Projects and Publications

Articles Published

Scrolls Painted

Awards and Achievements =


  • 11/17/2018 Silver Horns (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
  • 11/17/2018 Holder of the Dreamer's Cup (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
  • 3/23/2019 Silver Horns (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
  • 9/21/2019 Award of the Silver Compass (Atlantia)
  • 9/21/2019 Award of Arms (Atlantia)

Finne Breth OP

University of Atlantia

  • Instructor, Plant Foraging: introduction to edible and medicinal weeds (UA105 9/2020, UA106 2/2021)



Coat of Arms

  • Per chevron argent and vert, two ravens displayed their heads respectant sable and a spearhead argent, on a chief vert three escallops inverted argent.