Scandal mac Rofir

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Resides: Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry


Scandal mac Rofir is an accomplished cook and brewer, and enjoys musical performance and learning new crafts. He may one day think of himself as a Bard or teacher. Scandal represents a Hiberno-Norse city dweller in the thriving hybrid culture of the Kingdom of Dublin around the turn of the Millennium.

Scandal is pronounced as it appears in modern English, skan·dl

As a player, Scandal is committed to diversity and radical inclusivity in the pursuit of the Society's ideals of Chivalry, Honor, and Courtesy. Scandal believes Black Lives Matter, and Scandal's pronouns are He/Him.

Offices and Events

Title Jurisdiction Date Held
Deputy Baronial Herald Barony of Highland Foorde 2021-
Webminister Barony of Highland Foorde 2020-
Herald at Large Kingdom of Atlantia 2019-
Feastocrat Highland River Melees, Barony of Highland Foorde 2019


Per saltire Purpure and Argent, a fox Proper maintaining an ear of barley Or

Awards and Achievements

Award Awarded By Date Given
Order of the Hart Barony of Highland Foorde HRM 2021
Baronial Award of Excellence Barony of Highland Foorde HRM 2019

Households and Affiliations

Clan Blue Feather
Clanne Preachain

In Case of Court

I am trying to attend Court more often, but am very likely to miss something. I'll need help getting there if it's important.