Esa inghean Donnchaidh

The Honorable Lady Esa currently resides within the Barony of Caer Mear in the Kingdom of Atlantia. She first began playing in the SCA in 2012 in the Barony of Stierbach. Esa is a researcher of women’s health from the ancient world to the middle ages, with special emphasis on menstruation, sexuality, and bodily autonomy. Esa is also a Deputy Chancellor for the University of Atlantia and the Women's Studies Deputy to the Society Minister of Arts and Sciences.
- Esa uses she/her or they/them pronouns.
- Esa uses a rescue inhaler, which she carries with her. She also has many food restrictions, so it is recommended that you do not attempt to feed the Esa.
- In case of court, Lord Rudiger knows her schedule and where to find her.
Helpful Links
Esa's name seems most fitting for a fourteenth century Scottish woman; however, Esa's primary persona recently changed to that of an Iron Age Orcadian woman (circa 5th century CE). As such, she is rightly obsessed with Brochs, chambered tombs, seafaring and seafood, Shetland wool, and puffins. Esa is alternatively known as Venus of Atlantia. The persona of Venus is Roman; inspired by Aphrodite, the ocean, sapphic love, and living deliciously.
Azure, in pale a salmon and a loaf of bread, a bordure embattled argent.
Her heraldry is inspired by the persecution of women as witches in the middle ages; specifically, the food magic that was infamous for rendering men either helplessly in love or impotent. Your mileage may vary. “The desperate mistress was condemned for using magic to incite love. Successes were claimed to have been accomplished by her serving a man bread she had kneaded with her buttocks or a fish she had previously inserted into her vagina.” (From the Buchard of Worms)
- Apprentice to Beatriz Aluares de la Oya
- Households: Free Company of St. Lawrence, Clan Oldcastle, House zum Drache
- Guilds and Groups: Knowne World Courtesans, Atlantian Courtesan Guild, Period Heroes
Offices and Warrants
- Deputy Chancellor, Atlantian University (January 2020 – Present)
- Women's Studies Deputy to the Society Minister of Arts and Sciences (June 2020 - Present)
- Minster of Arts and Sciences, Barony of Stierbach (November 2018 – January 2020)
- Minister of Arts and Sciences, Atlantian Courtesans Guild (September 2018 – January 2020)
- Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences, Barony of Stierbach (June 2017-November 2018)
- Canton of Abhainn Iarthair’s Thrown Weapons Marshal (Jan 2015-Dec 2016, Canton of Abhainn Iarthair)
- Chancellor of the Exchequer for the Canton of Abhainn Iarthair (February 2014-Dec. 2016/ Abhainn Iarthair, Stierbach, Atlantia)
- Thrown Weapons Marshal (September 2014-2016/Stierbach, Atlantia)
- Archery Marshal (November 2013-2016/ Stierbach, Atlantia)
Recent Projects
- Where's the Midwife: An Interview for Virtual Atlantia
- Provoking the Menses: An Interpretation of Medieval Gynecology
- A Good Constrictive So That They May Appear As Though They Were Virgins
Classes Taught
- Iron Age Orkney: Creating a Regional Specific Celtic Persona (Atlantian University, #105, 12 September 2020, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- Herbs for Gynecology and Obstetrics (Atlantian University, #103, 1 February 2020, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- Abortion in Medieval Europe (Atlantian University, #101, 15 June 2019, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- But to Foule Lust and Likynge of Lecherye: Menstruation, Family Planning, and Women’s Bodily Autonomy (Atlantian University, #100, 2 February 2019, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- Gynecology and Obstetrics in Medieval Europe (Atlantian University, #98, 3 February 2018, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- Herbs of Northern Africa (Pennsic University, Pennsic 46 (2017), Known World)
- Be Dynamic! A Hafla Primer (Known World Dance and Music Symposium, 15-18 June 2017, Known World)
- Herbalism in Arabia (Atlantian University, #94, 16 September 2016, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- Herb Preservation Methods (Atlantian University, #91, 19 September 2015, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- Use What You Have! (Newcomer Track, Atlantian University, #91, 19 September 2015, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- There’s a Tea for That! Hydrosols in Traditional Herbalism (Atlantian University #90, 13 June 2015, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- Magick or Medicine? Traditional Herbalism in the Middle Ages (Atlantian University #90, 13 June 2015, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- Herbal Infusions for Beginners (Atlantian University #89, 7 February 2015, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- Wise Woman as Witch (Peasant’s Revolt, 22-24 August 2014, Shire of Canthanar, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- A Beginner’s Guide to Growing a Medicinal Herb Garden (Peasant’s Revolt, 22-24 August 2014, Shire of Canthanar, Kingdom of Atlantia)
- Herbal Infusions_ Medicinal Teas Vinegars oils (Peasant’s Revolt, 22-24 August 2014, Shire of Canthanar, Kingdom of Atlantia)
Links to project documentation and class handouts can be found on Esa's blog.
Highlight Reel
- Deputy Chancellor, Atlantian University (2020-Present)
- Knowne World A&S, Staff (Pennsic 45-48)
- A&S Coordinator & Competition Sponsor (2017- Present): Various events
- Sexuality and Gender Studies Track Coordinator for Atlantian University (2018-Present)
- Period Heroes (2017-Present): Coordinating heroes and distributing supplies at events throughout the Kingdom and the Knowne World.
- Games Coordinator, Coronation of Queen Adelhait and King Christophe (Atlantia, April 2019)
- Adult Display Coordinator, Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival (2 March 2019)
- Founder & Coordinator, Pennsic Children’s Fete Disney Entertainers (Pennsic 43-45)
- Autocrat, Holiday Faire X (co-Autocrat with Gunnora Grimm) (Nov 22, 2014/Stierbach, Atlantia).
- Archery Marshalling, including Archery MIC, and target construction for various events (2013-2016)
- Thrown Weapons Marshalling, including Thrown MIC, and target construction for various events (2014-2016)
- Exchequer, Canton of Abhainn Iarthair (February 2014-2016)
A complete list of service can be found on Esa's SCA Resume.