Beatriz Aluares de la Oya

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Magistra Beatriz Aluares de la Oya
Resides: Barony of Highland Foorde
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Gules, six pomegranates two, two and two, slipped and leaved Or


Magistra Beatriz resides in the Barony of Highland Foorde and has interests in all things Spanish, clothing, cooking, death and funerary practices, medieval magick and demonology, and church history.


Beatriz is a moderately wealthy widow living in Santiago de Compostela under the reign of their Catholic Majesties Ferdinand and Isabella.

Offices & Positions



  • Kingdom Deputy for Historical Costuming, Atlantia
  • Guildmistress for St. Anne's Guild of Clothiers, Atlantia
  • Kingdom A&S Champion, Artemisia (2005)
  • Kingdom Waiver Secretary, Calontir
  • Deputy Exchequer, Shire of Standing Stones, Calontir

Projects & Publications


Coat of Arms

  • Gules, six pomegranates two, two and two, slipped and leaved Or


  • DVCTVS EXEMPLO ('Lead By Example')

Awards and Achievements


  • Lark, Highland Foorde, Atlantia (6/2019)
  • Order of the Laurel, Atlantia (3/2013)
  • Companion of the Pearl, Atlantia (11/2009)
  • Order of the Golden Calon Swan, Shire of Standing Stones, Calontir (9/2003)
  • Award of Arms, Atlantia (7/91)

Beatriz Aluares de la Oya OP

University of Atlantia

  • Masters Degree (UA105 9/2020)
  • Instructor, She's Got the (Hispano-Flemish) Look (UA104 06/2020)
  • Instructor, Hispano-Flemish Men's Clothing (UA104 06/2020)
  • Instructor, Introduction to Church History (UA103 02/2020)
  • Bachelors Degree (UA91 09/2015)
  • Instructor, Hispano-Flemish Women’s Clothing (CA31 05/2014)
  • Instructor, Hispano-Flemish Men’s Clothing (CA31 05/2014)
  • Instructor, No More Naked Noggins – Hats and Headwear of Hispano-Flemish Spain (UA85 10/2013)
  • Instructor, Hispano-Flemish Women’s Clothing (UA85 10/2013)
  • Instructor, Hispano-Flemish Men’s Clothing (UA85 10/2013)
  • Instructor, Knitting the Spanish Boneto: An experiment in hatmaking (UA82 06/2012)
  • Fellowship (UA79 6/2011)
  • Instructor, She's Got the (Hispano-Flemish) Look (UA78 03/2011)
  • Instructor, The Spanish Jacket (UA77 06/2010)
  • Instructor, Patterning the Spanish Doublet (UA73 10/2008)