Melchior zum grauen Wolf

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Resides: Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Per saltire argent and sable, a bordure embattled azure.


Melchior (Mel) is the current Web Minister for the Kingdom of Atlantia. He is also a White Scarf and a nut for period math and science (cryptography, in particular)


Lord Melchior zum grauen Wolf, Provost, is from the Dutchy of Bavaria in the late 16th century (or, in the modern middle ages, the Barony of Lochmere in Atlantia). He is court advisor to Duke William V on matters of communication and science. He currently resides in Heidelberg where he traveled to attend, and then to lecture, at the University.

He makes the return journey to Landshut annually to attend court but is in close communication with the House of Wittelsbach through the use of ciphers and codes. A topic which he has developed a considerable library and is willing to share his knowledge of with all who have interest. A good cipher, after all, can’t be broken even if you know how it is supposed to work.

He enjoys practicing the sword, solving puzzles, a good book (of the martial or mathematical sciences), and sitting by Neckar with his Lady.

Melchior’s primary interests in the SCA are the rapier (martial), research of period cryptography (A&S), and generally helping out in any way that will make everyone smile a little more, with specific focus on technology (service).

Offices & Positions

Kingdom Web Minister Atlantia Sep 2018
Rapier Marshal Lochmere At large since 02
Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshall Southern Atlantia
Web Minister ‘at large’ Mostly serving the rapier community.
Seneschal Canton of St. Georges
Exchequer Canton of Falcon Cree

Projects & Publications


How to



Atlantian Order of Precedence

  • Highest Level Award: White Scarf of Atlantia
  • In SCA since: Off and on since 1998
  • Tourneys won: Lots
  • Biggest tourney won: Ansteorra Rapier, Pennsic
  • A&S competitions won: 1, only submission :-P
  • Biggest job: Kingdom Web Minister