Karin Taylor de Cameron

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Baroness Karin Taylor de Cameron
Resides: Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Registered Arms


Baroness Karin Taylor de Cameron is the current Baroness of Stierbach.


Offices & Positions

Exchequer Canton of Sudentorre
Baroness of Stierbach 2017-present

Projects & Publications

  • Creator and Moderator of the SCA Period Hair forum FB group (748 members as of Oct. 1, 2019)


Or, on a domestic cat sejant contourny vert a thistle Or. (January 2006)

Awards and Achievements

8/14/2005 Award of the Silver Compass (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
7/22/2006 Award of Arms (Atlantia)
11/18/2006 Companion of the King's Missiliers (Atlantia)
11/22/2008 Companion of Saint Roch (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
11/22/2014 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia)
8/11/2016 Companion of the Silver Heart (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
5/13/2017 Award of the Silver Bow (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
6/24/2017 Territorial Baroness (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
4/13/2019 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia)

Classes Taught
German Hair Taping Class, Pennsic 2019
