Ailis inghean Ui Riagain

Greetings! I am Lady Ailis inghean uí Riagáin.
in progress
Offices & Positions
- Baronial Beekeeper, Barony of the Sacred Stone
- Webminister, Barony of the Sacred Stone
- Webminister, Canton of Crois Brigte
- Webminister, Canton of Middlegate (Interim)
Projects & Publications
- Barony of the Sacred Stone
- Canton of Crois Brigte
- Canton of Middlegate
- Southern Atlantia Archery Day 2017
- Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium 2019
- Atlantian 12th Night website, 2019
- Return to Crecy website, 2018
in progress
Awards and Achievements
- Award of Arms, Atlantia (09/2017)
- Award of the Fountain, Atlantia (09/2017)